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reason for dox: tried to dox me and failed horribly + won't let his gf leave and gaslights saying he's going to kill himself, he's a gangbanger and a drug dealer, went to jail, cheats on his gf, lies abt having no
parents, pedophile, talks to kids and sends nudes to them, threatens to dox people on discord and nuke servers over any minor inconvenience, watches child prn.

ρ(- ω -、)ヾ( ̄ω ̄; )

Full name:
Diego Leonel Hernandez-Santos
(17 yrs)
Victim phone numbers: 
Main: +1 (571) 385-7122
Second: +1 (703) 400-5130


7810 Lewis chapel cir
Lorton VA 22079
United states
Apt 204


School info:
School name: Hayfield High School (Alexandria VA)
School username: 1617877
School email: 1617877@fcpsschools.net
Alternate email: dh3161735@gmail.com

︵‿︵(´ ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ `)︵‿︵

Aunt info: 
Name: Martha Santos
Phone number: (703) 642-6304
Email(s): santosmartha980@gmail.com, martita201004@gmail.com, mikansantos.js@gmail.com, mariela_85@live.com 


Mom name: Jeniffer Fuentes


try again buddy
