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|            szk  bella the wolf               |
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† alias † 
> thetraveller / Archivist / Human Of Angel
> Roald Thor Jørgensen
† AGE † 
> 18
> +45 20 53 82 88
> Address: Skovkrogen 73450 Allerød Denmark
> User: voeq9_kmirzkjekh9rqiq
> ID: 412250817752727554
> Disabilities: Asperger Syndrome, Multiple personality disorder, Pedophilia
> Height: 155 centimeters [20/01/2024]
> Weight: 45 kilograms [20/01/2024]
 † idfk photos †
> https://gofile.io/d/Qnr3Wk
> https://gofile.io/d/uQ6xmP
> Pedophile, forcing minors to send him nudes, overall crying for over 4 years cause he's an incel and can't do a shit on his own. Dude is autistic + he can't even tie his shoelaces at age of 16, wtf..
> Dude also been so bad for his own mother, she bought him a computer using rest of her money, they're not really rich or anything, alcohol problems are common in his family. He was attacking his mother physically.
> He has asperger syndrome, he takes Pregabalin (idk how to pronounce), very strong pills. Dude's walking around MTA discord servers and asking them to doxx me, cause I keep on stopping his bad activities.
> We also have contacted his parents which don't really give a fuck about him, he has access to his own mothers account cause he threatened her. Only one form of contact is through his sister.
> Police also doesn't do a shit since he's disabled. He's also making up names for me, like fr, I heard 40 variants already and he's not even being close LOL, I even heard that I'm living in Czech Republic once.
> He's even ready to put his irl friends on doxbin (which he doesn't have anymore cause of that) just so he can threaten them to help him, he doesn't even understand that it wont work.
> His old irl friends told me, dude has a toilet in his own kitchen, lol. When walking casually on the street, he's clapping for no reason all the time. His common thing to do is say "Good night" and lay down on a sidewalk.
> Another weird thing is, he's even grabbing his male friends by hand and calling them "baby", like tf..? Kinda funny,
> Note: There's one dox going on around which has incorrect informations, this one is updated version with verified informations. More will be updated shortly.
EDIT 07/21/2024:
This dude got sued multiple times by multiple companies. His cases are still ongoing at time of publishing this edit. His actual case count is 10.
Really dude, you could end it in 2019 when it started, get a life and take your meds.
- Bella The Wolf - szk
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