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`MMMMMMMb.                                  `MM       `MMMMMMMb.             
 MM    `Mb                                   MM        MM    `Mb             
 MM     MM   _____  ____   ___  ____     ____MM        MM     MM ____    ___ 
 MM     MM  6MMMMMb `MM(   )P' 6MMMMb   6MMMMMM        MM    .M9 `MM(    )M' 
 MM     MM 6M'   `Mb `MM` ,P  6M'  `Mb 6M'  `MM        MMMMMMM(   `Mb    d'  
 MM     MM MM     MM  `MM,P   MM    MM MM    MM        MM    `Mb   YM.  ,P   
 MM     MM MM     MM   `MM.   MMMMMMMM MM    MM        MM     MM    MM  M    
 MM     MM MM     MM   d`MM.  MM       MM    MM        MM     MM    `Mbd'    
 MM    .M9 YM.   ,M9  d' `MM. YM    d9 YM.  ,MM        MM    .M9     YMP     
_MMMMMMM9'  YMMMMM9 _d_  _)MM_ YMMMM9   YMMMMMM_      _MMMMMMM9'      M      
________      ____   __________ ____  ____  ____________ ___       ___       
 MM    `Mb  8P    Y8 /   MM   \  MM 6M'    `/       dMP   MMM.   ,PMM        
 MM     MM 6M      Mb    MM      MM MM             dMP    M`Mb   d'MM        
 MM    .M9 MM      MM    MM      MM YM.           dMP     M YM. ,P MM        
 MMMMMMM(  MM      MM    MM      MM  YMMMMb      dMP      M `Mb d' MM        
 MM    `Mb MM      MM    MM      MM      `Mb    dMP       M  YM.P  MM        
 MM     MM MM      MM    MM      MM       MM   dMP        M  `Mb'  MM        
 MM     MM YM      M9    MM      MM       MM  dMP         M   YP   MM        
 MM    .M9  8b    d8     MM      MM L    ,M9 dMP       /  M   `'   MM        
_MMMMMMM9'   YMMMM9     _MM_    _MM_MYMMMM9 dMMMMMMMMMMM _M_      _MM_       

Reason: Just being a weird-ass tranny degenerate, and calling himself a "gay little cat" when the nigga looks like this: https://imgbox.com/J6L4AmIF

! Verification ! 

To start off, I went to one of his videos (https://archive.is/hFvVk) and saw the Twitter link in the description. I visited it and it led to "https://twitter.com/gfxen", which led to "parihs.co.uk". I clicked on the link (https://imgbox.com/ZsKb48ns) and immediately saw his full name and location (from the linked Linkedin page.) (https://archive.is/ZKfZI, https://archive.is/u16kw, https://imgbox.com/3L0IWUkb) Try to deny this Paris Cullum, I'd like to see you try. 

-Basic Info-

Alias: Paricyte, Paris Cullum, comfypari, gfxen, Parihs, ParihsPone, dZ Parihs, ES Parihs
Name: Paris Cullum
Age: 20 
Gender: Male (He's just a mtf tranny)
DOB: July 21, 2001

-Advanced Info- 

Previous Education:

College: Dover Technical College
College Address: Address: Maison Dieu Rd, Dover CT16 1DH, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 1304 244333
Website: https://www.dtcc.edu/

Current Education:

University: Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS)
Founded: 1992
University Address: Prestbury, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 3LZ, United Kingdom
Chief Executive: Claire Marchant
Budget: £33 million (2011)
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/ucas_online
Website: www.ucas.com

Location info: Dover, England, United Kingdom

Emails: Parihs@Outlook.com, contact@parihs.com


Twitter alt: https://twitter.com/comfypari
Main Twitter: https://twitter.com/paricyte
Twitch: twitch.tv/Paricytes
Discord: Pari#0001 ID: 231434483960643594
Server he owns: https://discord.gg/pari
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/paricyte
Tumblr: https://paricyte.tumblr.com/
Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/paricyte/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/paricyte
Instagram: instagram.com/Paricyte
Xbox: https://xboxgamertag.com/search/paricyte
Tinder: https://www.gotinder.com/@paricyte 
TikTok: https://tiktok.com/@paricyte
Getrevue: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/pari
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Paricyte
PayPal: https://paypal.me/parihs



Kill yourself, Paris!