 _________        .---"""      """---.              
:______.-':      :  .--------------.  :   Credits: Me (Anonymous, cuz i dont wanna get swatted ROFL)          
| ______  |      | :                : |             
|:______B:|      | |  Little Error: | |             
|:______B:|      | |                | |             
|:______B:|      | |  Power not     | |             
|         |      | |  found.        | |             
|:_____:  |      | |                | |             
|    ==   |      | :                : |             
|       O |      :  '--------------'  :             
|       o |      :'---...______...---'              
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:_________:      `.____________________   `-.___.-. 
                 .'.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.'.      <a:___:1227661279590744074>
    LOL        .'.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.'.         

Name: Jalimov Aleksader/Aleksander
Age: 16

(proof of age)
[02:43:24] Me: Yo
[02:44:36] Osint: Wsp
[02:45:33] Me: Wys man
[02:46:10] Osint: Nm just finished watchdogs 2 after 6 years lmao
[02:47:14] Me: 😭😭
[02:48:18] Me: Crazy
[02:48:19] Me: Man I’ve been wodering
[02:48:24] Osint: (image) Boom
[02:48:32] Me: How okd r u
[02:48:44] Him: Lmaoooo
[02:48:55] Me: (reply to image) crazy
[02:50:44] Him: Federal asf 
[02:51:51 Him:  I’m 16
[02:52:20] Him: But to com I’m 22 cuz yk

Ethnicity: White, Russian
Larps being from Tulse Hill, London.
Larps being bri'ish but never talked on a call properly.

Aliases: Osintaholic, Weev, I3otnet, Sir Cumalot, Rabite.

instagram - @jalimov.aleksader (2 posts - blurred face)
BIO: "Fuck the yellow shit inside eggs
Life's a bitch, and we die, so fuck the world, and let's get high 🍁"
He uses the egg mention on his @osintaholic twitter too.

twitter - @osintaholic, @I3otnet.
Facebook - N/A 
TikTok - N/A (@jakimov.aleksandar, possibly but very low)
snapchat - @Jailmov 
Keybase: @rabite 

https://i.imgur.com/m85j38u.jpg?dateline=1651016940 (same avatar and same email used on the bio of his @I3otnet Twitter)

rrrtttrr@rambler.ru:159357666 (password now changed) 
https://imgur.com/gallery/osint-yHpwjB7 (he uses the email for his instagram)
https://imgur.com/gallery/osint-1HNlF0H (has the same email on his twitter profile) <VPN> (Atlanta, United States) <VPN> (London, United Kingdom) From a grabify link he clicked on. <NO VPN> (Moscow, Russia)

Will try to keep updating this :D