Jaden Lily Looper

559 - 644 - 2477

5541 E Indianapolis Ave, Fresno, CA

Parents - 

Father: Elgia Leon Looper

559 - 940 - 4366

Other possible numbers - 

559 - 292 - 5667

559 - 322 - 7931


Other relatives 

Cody Leon Looper - (most likely a brother because of age)

Age - 30s

5541 E Indianapolis Ave, Fresno, CA

559 - 255 - 0324

559 - 374 - 5411


Megan A Looper - 

559 - 432 - 3480

618 Pinnacle Dr W Madera, CA 93636



Idk couldnt find any linked to any family members weird ass people.