

around almost a year ago, screenshots were found of only jayus saying racist remarks to a female dating a man of color. jayus called the girl a "nigg**r lover". she has been canceled since, why not dox her?

just me, i found all info. i will never take another dox, there isnt a point.

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full name: Isabella Avila 
age: 22
occupation/job: Digital Creator
phone number: changed
dob: Apirl 12, 1999 
birth sign: Aries
emails: jayus@viranlnation.com  onlyyjayuss@yahoo.com  blue43@gmail.com
picture of herself: https://biographymask.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Isabella-Avila.jpg
address: 5060 E Hacienda Ave #1190 Las Vegas, NV 89122 
zip: 89122
city: Las Vegas
state: NV
country: USA
continent: North America
sibling count: 11
height: 6'2
went to Mission Oak High School Tulare, CA
sports: played basketball at Mission Oak High School In Tulare, CA
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/27ON75MaKyvrzpWASsV1Zt
picture of her saying hard r: https://imgur.com/a/InahjE7

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