name: paulina

age: 18

birthday: july 6th, 2004

address: 40140 Wilderness Lodge Rd, Brandscomb, CA, 95417

friends addy cuz why not: 750 Davidson Rd, Laytonville, CA 95454

phone number: +1 (707) 734-3932

discord: linawinaa

instagram: notpaulinalol

roblox: oldtiming, iinaacore

her eboy’s roblox that makes fake dox’s: a210dbe258dbb52f403a, iqhsmq

reason for dox: obese e-girl that whores around and homie hops, makes fake threats, 
has her uk e-boy create fake dox’s, cried and begged over a measly 250k value after getting finessed

get back fuck nigga

text these numbers for fun (burner #s btw): +1 (346) 732-2050  |  +1 (607) 309-2317