:Reason for dox- Conspiracy, He propagandizes by saying that they will kill us or put a chip through the vaccine,:
:He said bitcoin is a pyramid, He said everyone who uses a computer is gay, He instills hatred:
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{:Name: Кирил Николов Вълчев
{:Born In: Sofia
{:Ages: 50/March 12, 1971
{:The neighborhood that he lived as a kid: City of Sofia, Knyazhevo district
{:Probably his SSN/EGN:7103126241(not sure)
{:Email: kirochakala@abv.bg


{:College:ПГ по топлинна и хладилна техника „Карл Фон Линде“
{:Address: 7A Industrialna Str., 1202 Orlandovtsi, Sofia
{:Mail of the school: pgtxt@mail.bg
{:Phone Numbers of the school: 02/936-66-65; 02/936-70-89; 02/936-67-92;

{:University: Университет за национално и световно стопанство(УНСС)/University of National and World Economy
{:Graduation: Маркетинг и мениджмънт/ Marketing and management

{:His mother was an artist(Ilimner)
{:His father was Enginner
soon we will have their names too

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                  `----------' Malici0us[))"-,                 |
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runned down by Malici0us