   ║ 0x00                       Table Of Contents        (Doxxed by Spyware!)                       DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║
                      __...--~~~~~-._   _.-~~~~~--...__
                    //               `V'               \\    -Allow me to tell you a story about (jonas) and the crimes he has done.
                   //                 │                 \\   -(crime) fascist
                  //__...--~~~~~~-._  │  _.-~~~~~~--...__\\  -(crime) pedo jokes
                 //__.....----~~~~._\ │ /_.~~~~----.....__\\ -(crime) Being Fake
   ║ 0x02                       Basic                                                                          DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║

                                           ˅ Name............        Jonas Gausmann
                                           │ Name altnerative        ns.randy
                                           │ Alias...........        randy1871 (?)       

                                           ˅ DOB............         October 06                                        
                                           │ Age............         17
                                           │ Sex............         Male
                                           │ Sexuality......         Straight
                                           ˅ Number.........         unkown                              
                                           │ Provider.......         unknown                                   
                                           │ Discord........         randy1871         
   ║ 0x03                       Address                                                                        DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║

              ˅ Address............       Lortzingstr 59423 Unna                                   
              │ Number.............       14
              │ Last house listing.       same

                         . .                     -:-             .  .  .                      .  .  .
                       .'.:,'.        .  .  .     ' .           . \ │ / .                    . \ │ / .
                       .'.;.`.       ._. ! ._.       \          .__\:/__.                    .__\:/__.
                        `,:.'         ._\!/_.                     .';`.      . ' .             .';`.      . ' .
                        ,'             . ! .        ,.,      ..======..       .:.         ..======..       .:.     
                       ,                 .         ._!_.     ││::: : │ .        ',        ││::: : │ .        ',      
                .====.,                  .           ;  .~.===: : : :│   ..===.      .~.===: : : :│   ..===.         
                │.::'││      .=====.,    ..=======.~,   │"│: :│::::::│   ││:::│=====││"│: :│::::::│   ││:::│=====│  
             ___│ :::│!__.,  │:::::│!_,   │: :: ::│"│l_l│"│:: │:;;:::│___!│ ::│: : :││"│:: │:;;:::│___!│ ::│: : :│ 
            │: :│::: │:: │!__│; :: │: │===::: :: :│"││_││"│ : │: :: :│: : │:: │:::::││"│ : │: :: :│: : │:: │:::::│  
            │:::│ _::│: :│:::│:===:│::│:::│:===F=:│"!/│\!"│::F│:====:│::_:│: :│::__:│!"│::F│:====:│::_:│: :│::__:│  
            _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ │= _ _:_ _ =│ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                │=    :    =│                
   ║ 0x09                       Family                                                                         DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║

                                ˅ Father.....      Ralf Gausmann                                                                                                         
                                │ DOB........      unkown               
                                │ Age........      unkown         

          │6 6│                
          \ - /  
   .@@@. __) (__   
   @6 6@/  \./  \               ˅ Mother.....      unkown            
   @ = @ :  :  : \              │ DOB........      unkown
   _) (_'│  :  │) )             │ Work adress      no work        
 /' \./ '\  :  │_/              ˄ 
/ /\ _ /\ \=o==│)  
\ \ )  (/ /%│%%'             
 '7/    \7%%│%%'                
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │    │`%%│%%'
   │_.._│ /_│_\                 
   ║ 0x010                       Parents contact                                                               DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║

                                ˅ Father.......
                                │Phone number..    unkown
                                │Email.........    unkown
                                ˅ Mother.......
                                │Phone number..    unknown
                                │Email.........    unknown

   ║ 0x12                       Outro n' credits                                                               DOXED BY (ManOfGod)║
       Face Leak : https://discord.com/channels/@me/1191820889671618591/1220828068663529622 (not sure if real)
       Rest In Piss Fascists ;D