CJSC "Norsi Trans"
* site: https://norsi-trans.ru
* phone(general): +7(495) 748-74-83
* phone(technical support services): +7(495) 995-88-82
* phone(fax): +7(495) 748-0343
* phone(old): +7705051215
* email(general): info@norsi-trans.ru
* email(technical support services): support@norsi-trans.ru
* adress: Moscow, street.Novodmitrevskaya, h. 12, str. 15. index: 127015
* coordinates: 55.797670, 37.584622
owner(1): Vostrikov Vasiliy Ivanovich
* phone: +79637553737
* operator: PAO "Pennant Communications"
* email: v.vostrikov@norsi-trans.ru
* DOB: 18.04.1988
* possible adress 1: Moscow, street.Butyrskaya, h. 15, entrance. 2, floor: 16, ap. 176, intercom. B176
* device: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Mi A2 Lite Build/QKQ1.191002.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko)
Version/4.0 Chrome/92.0.4515.159 Mobile Safari/537.36 yandex-taxi/ Android/10 (Xiaomi; Mi A2 Lite) Superapp/Eats EatsKit/3.2.0 superapp_android
* yid: 1403433495
* possible adress 2:  Kursk, street.Dzerzhinsky 25A
* possible adress 3: Moscow, street.Kazakova 25, str. 4, ap. 6
TIN of the passport: 4509 701480
issued at the address: department in the district of Basmanny Oufms of Russia Moscow cao
avito name: Vasiliy
acc id: 180015
phone: +79637553737
location: Kurskaya
†                                                        †                                 †               †          †   DOXED BY CRIMEHOSTEL   †          †               †                                   †                                                     

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