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Reason for Doxx:
Associates with pedophiles, faked being groomed, fakes being suicidal for pity and attention, a literal incel, makes other people feel like shit 
by being a total asshole. Transphobia, Racism, Homophobia.
Notes: He has no friends irl due to his dickhead behaviour, he claims its because of his autism. He associates with a pedophile that makes -
- teen girls selfharm and put carve his name into their skin. He also lost almost all of his online accounts due to a virus on reddit, lol retard

The man himself!
➔ Online nicknames: AustralianJ3sus, SomeSerb, Mr.Communist
➔ Legal Name: Tullen Mabb
➔ Face (old picture, just adding so the doxx doesn't get raped): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/893166045223870545/937376344042508328/unknown.png
Note to face pic: there's newer content of him. He's a youtuber, here's a vid of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bJf9LCD7HA
➔ Private Email: someserb2.0@gmail.com
➔ Current Place of Education: Sheldon College (Private Secondary/Middle School)
➔ Address: 64 Bacton Rd, Chandler, Australia (this kids family is loaded)
➔ Post-Code: QLD 4155

We shall move onto his family members.

AustralianJ3sus' Brother
➔ Legal Name: Tyler Mabb (unknown if actually Tyler)
➔ Phone Number: +61412809240
➔ Address applies
➔ There is not much known about his brother, however the number is a valid way of contacting Tullen.

AustralianJ3sus' Mother
➔ Legal Name: Kylie Mabb
➔ Debit Card: Ending in 5962, Expiry: 09/22
➔ There is no more information to his mother besides this, Tullen owned a Debit Card under his mother's name.

Feel free to do whatever you want with the information. He is a literal dickhead and an incel. Earlier today he faked being groomed by (SAID PEDOPHILE) to annoy a friend of mine.
Aussie's discord tag: AustralianJ3sus#1324
If your reading this, Tullen, there is a reason why you have no friends in real life. Stop being such a dickhead and get your life together.