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, West Palm Beach FL 33415 Info About The House: Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 Square Feet: 930 Year Built: 1983 Estimated Value: $156,000 Estimated Equity: $156,000 Last Sale Amount: $16,700 Last Sale Date: 2011-10-28 Occupancy Type: Owner Occupied Ownership Type: Individual Land Use: Condominium Unit (Residential) Property Class: Residential Subdivision: Village Of Sierra West Condominium Lot SqFt: 43,560 Phone Number: +1 (717) 561-3566 Phone Type: Landline Carrier: Verizon Reported: December 2013 Email: nicholasperryviolin@gmail.com Also Known As: Nicholas Perry Perry M Perry Nick M Perry Nicholas Perry Jr Nicholas Perry Previous Addresses: 39 Runyon Rd Hummelstown PA 17036 Dauphin County Recorded September 2010 Home Phone: (717) 566-3566 620 Michigan Ave NE Washington DC 20064 District Of Columbia County Recorded April 2012 Relatives: Gary Perry Age 67 (Nov 1955) Maggie Perry Age 24 (Dec 1998) Margaret Perry Age 109 (Jun 1914) Michael Perry Age 72 (Dec 1950) Natalia Perry Age 31 (Sep 1992) Patricia Newman Age 77 (Sep 1946) Paul Perry Age 48 (Mar 1975) Darlene Curtis Age 61 (Jun 1962) Deborah Jecker Age 55 (Jan 1968) Dolores Heisinger Age 80 (Oct 1942) Elizabeth Stefan Age 41 (Feb 1982) Gary Bradley Age 62 (Nov 1960) Gary Bradley Age 67 (Oct 1955) Gary Brauley Age 71 (Mar 1952) Jane Bradley Age 64 (Sep 1958) Kathi Bradley Age 65 (Oct 1957) Kurt Heisinger Age 60 (Mar 1963) Leon Pressel Age 64 (Oct 1958) Marc Stefan Age 70 (Oct 1952) Matthew Bradley Age 40 (Aug 1983) Nancy Heisinger Age 66 (Dec 1956) Nanetta Bradley Age 79 (May 1944) Rocky Barilla Age 75 (Jan 1948) Shannon Bradley Age 57 (Oct 1965) Shelby Bradley Age 30 (Dec 1992) Shelby Bradley Age 30 (Dec 1992) Torri Canales Age 37 (Dec 1985) Vaun Bradley Age 89 (Nov 1933) Araceli Villareal Age 70 (Sep 1953) Carolyn Fornea Age 65 (Apr 1958) Charles Cooper Age 39 (May 1984) Gary Brezai Age 58 (Jul 1965) John Ruiz Age 74 (Jul 1949) Lura Vali Age 90 (Feb 1933) Matt Jecker Age 66 (Mar 1957) Nathaniel Fornea Age 37 (Oct 1985) Shirley Bradley Age 71 (May 1952) Steven Strobehn Age 53 (Jun 1970) Tamara Martin Age 62 (Jun 1961) Terry Luttrell Age 46 (Sep 1976) Associates: Rodrigo Gonzalez Age 28(Aug 1995) Benny Bennett Age 71(Jan 1952) Carole Altidort Age 51(Jul 1972) Donna Oropallo Age 61(May 1962) Maria Gonzalez Age 57(Sep 1966) Maria Home Age 29(Dec 1993) Michael Hanson Age 60(Jun 1963) Michael Oropallo Age 63(Dec 1959) Ruth Rangel Age 33(Sep 1989) Tammy Cox Age 53(Apr 1970) Teresa Parella Age 66(Mar 1957) Tyrone Williams Age 46(Jan 1977) Arthur Doran Age 77(May 1946) Collie Goldson Age 63(Jun 1960) LOL I RUN U NICHOLAS GET ON CORD SONNY KILLERS JR D O X X E D B Y K I L L E R S 0x02 end of dox swatted b added soon