He just made my epic INACTIV. Fuck him  sabin AKA Paradox

IP adress:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neamu.sabin.7/

Stepsis =) facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valeria.neamu

Mother: https://www.facebook.com/camelia.neamu.9

Sugar Daddy: https://www.facebook.com/tiberiu.neamu

Country:Romania (RO)



Zip Code:051334

ISP:Telekom Romania Mobile Community



Rat's instagram: @neamu.sabin

Stepsis instagram: @neamuvaleria

Mother instagram: @neamu.camelia

Sugar Daddy instagram: @tiberiuneamu

Last place where he lived, with his Stepsis, Mother and Sugar daddy,
 was near to  Viisoara Teleorman, Zip code 147435, and his Sugar daddy
 worked to "Primaria Viisoara TR"

I doxxed him because, he tried to scam/steal a Fortnite account from me (300$+ Value)
by making a ticket to personal assistence from epic games, and because the account
was cracked, they have seen it was suspicious activity because he made a ticket, and
he actually BANNED MY ACCOUNT.

Go fuck him ;)