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=== Info === 
- Name Natalia
- Surname Ailatan ( same as her daddy ) or Walczak ( her mother )
- Meet with 14 years old kids and take drugs in her city
- Drugs
- Pick me girl
- Age 16

Support on discord.gg/milosc ( actually degraded ) 
Email - nacianacia330@gmail.com

 === Discord Friends ===
( Best one ) Iv3nc1a#4987 
( Discord Boyfriend ) KKDB#0420
( Pitbull agresywny ) .lubie sperme#0991

 === Address ===
Address - Szprotawska 12/6 
Zip - 68-100 
City - Zagan
Country - Poland

 === Social Media ===
Discord - Nu3kq#0033 - ID ( 841019101870817321 )
Instagram -  https://www.instagram.com/_natalia_lm/
Snapchat - natalinka6969
Newest facebook - https://www.facebook.com/monika.walczak.758737
Old facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009604089089 ( lost password )

 === Photos ===
Drugs - https://ibb.co/dLW1bcZ
Face - https://ibb.co/1QNzV5T , https://ibb.co/Cw3r1mP , https://ibb.co/xfFnDBy
Screen from bank account - https://ibb.co/KhKdZ2K 

I do not forgive.

    I do not forget.
                    Ur done.
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