██▓███   ██▓ ██▀███  ▒██   ██▒ ▄████▄▓██   ██▓
▓██░  ██▒▓██▒▓██ ▒ ██▒▒▒ █ █ ▒░▒██▀ ▀█ ▒██  ██▒
▓██░ ██▓▒▒██▒▓██ ░▄█ ▒░░  █   ░▒▓█    ▄ ▒██ ██░
▒██▄█▓▒ ▒░██░▒██▀▀█▄   ░ █ █ ▒ ▒▓▓▄ ▄██▒░ ▐██▓░
▒██▒ ░  ░░██░░██▓ ▒██▒▒██▒ ▒██▒▒ ▓███▀ ░░ ██▒▓░ - I don't usually dox but I'm starting to like this shit.
▒▓▒░ ░  ░░▓  ░ ▒▓ ░▒▓░▒▒ ░ ░▓ ░░ ░▒ ▒  ░ ██▒▒▒     
░▒ ░      ▒ ░  ░▒ ░ ▒░░░   ░▒ ░  ░  ▒  ▓██ ░▒░ 
░░        ▒ ░  ░░   ░  ░    ░  ░       ▒ ▒ ░░  
          ░     ░      ░    ░  ░ ░     ░ ░     
                               ░       ░ ░     

hehehe nameless, how u claiming u have no name Chase Tyler 🤡💀

- doxed by pirxcy with the help of mylo,adsr, hesa2rich,anti(odfq) and l1p
- @pirxcy
- @mylobrum
- @adsrrrr
- @hesa2rich
- @odfq
- @notl1p

Pirxcy1942 and MyloBrum's Wish List:
	- Nameless gets a gun shoved in his mouth every time he snaked someone
	- His slutty girlfriend of his gets plastic surgery also a fat Rambo knife through her right eye.
	- Nameless gets a knife the size of a guitar thru his back every time he backstabs someone so he can feel the pain.

Nameless being a snake:
	- https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/proof1.png
	- https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/proof2NL.png
	- https://imgur.com/a/nZiuynD

----------[ NL ]----------
- Server: discord.gg/namelessct
- Possible Associates:
	- (62 Years Old)
	- Pamella A. Tyler (Lives in Fort Plain, NY)
	- Sadie L. Billington
	- Linda Perri
- Possible Phone Number(s):
	- 518-568-5609
	- (518) 993-4321
	- (718) 671-7216	

- Discord:
	- @namelessct
	- @namelessct_temp
- Real Name: Chase Tyler
- Names:
	- NamelessCT
	- ViperBite2007
	- tyrellong
	- ChaseTheGamer
	- chasetyler331
	- tchaseman5
- Email: tchaseman5@gmail.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083600704592
- Google Info: https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/chasetyler.json
- Address: 7178 State Hwy. 5s Fort Plain, NY 13339 (parents addy) 1733 Matthews Ave, Bronx, New York (current addy)
- Replit: https://replit.com/@NLCT07 (skiddy asf)
- Device(s):
	- iPhone Xs Max 
- Google Services:
	- https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/105636587000765404111/reviews	

- Age: 16
- Snapchat: @namelessct
- Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/u/namelessct (NamelessCT)
- GitHub: https://github.com/NamelessCT (@NamelessCT)
- PicsArt: https://picsart.com/u/namelessct (@namelessct)

- City: New York
- Birthday: 18th September 2007
- Possible Image(s):
	- https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/nameless.png
	- https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/maybeNameleess.png
	- https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/autism.png
- Info: 
	- bum ass nigga snaked me l1p and adsr, 
  	- lives with grandparents because he can't even respect his parents and be close with them.
	- Hires racist staff.
	- Is a racist himself
	- Cheated on his girl and his girl she don't even know stupid bitch so clueless (your mans cheating on you he has a second phone with 2 girls and 	you haven't found out 💀)

	🕰️Recent on the day of post.
	- Drove Mylo and Pirxcy to kill themselves.
	- Hid a Rat/Logger inside NL Hybrid to get pirxcy's shit https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/whynameless2.png https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/whynameless4.png
	- Has access to pirxcy's discord probably to hang as a trophy in nameless, probably for an ego boost, maybe to look intimidating so it covers
	up for the real clown he is
	- this niggas so much of a bitch he wouldn't back down when pirxcy mylo adsr l1p anti hesa and everyone had offered nameless
	to stay
	- doesn't give 2 shits about how we feel or anything when we did NOTHING wrong he was COMPLETELY in the wrong and only starts
	to care when human lives are on the line. this nigga has no heart. https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/whynameless.png https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/whynameless3.png

- VPS IP Addresses (as of post date):
 - (
 - Open Ports:
	- 81

How to get latest VPS IP for NL Hybrid: 
Download a program that can monitor connectons:
	e.g fiddler,http debugger,netlimiter
	make modifications so the app isn't detected (remove "proxy" from title)
	launch NL hybrid
	requests made in the launcher are on different ports to the fortnite api clone port
	launcher backend: hitting this stops the user from being able to login stops launcher checking updates
	fortnite backend: hitting tops any requests (stops cosmetic changing)

	recommended methods for hitting
		-cf bypass
		- https http://{ip}:{port} 443

Scraped shit:
WhatsMyName Web

Bandlab	namelessct	music	https://www.bandlab.com/namelessct
DeviantArt	namelessct	images	https://www.deviantart.com/namelessct
giters	namelessct	coding	https://giters.com/namelessct
GitHub	namelessct	coding	https://github.com/namelessct
HudsonRock	namelessct	tech	https://cavalier.hudsonrock.com/api/json/v2/osint-tools/search-by-username?username=namelessct
Internet Archive..	namelessct	misc	https://archive.org/search.php?query=namelessct
MCName (Minecraft)	namelessct	gaming	https://mcname.info/en/search?q=namelessct
MCUUID (Minecraft)	namelessct	gaming	https://mcuuid.net/?q=namelessct
MySpace	namelessct	social	https://myspace.com/namelessct
Pastebin	namelessct	tech	https://pastebin.com/u/namelessct
Picsart	namelessct	art	https://picsart.com/u/namelessct
Quora	namelessct	social	https://www.quora.com/profile/namelessct
RblxTrade	namelessct	gaming	https://rblx.trade/p/namelessct
Snapchat Stories	namelessct	social	https://story.snapchat.com/s/namelessct
SoundCloud	namelessct	music	https://soundcloud.com/namelessct
Tenor	namelessct	images	https://tenor.com/users/namelessct
TikTok	namelessct	social	https://www.tiktok.com/@namelessct?lang=en
Twitch	namelessct	gaming	https://twitch.tv/namelessct/
Twitter archived..	namelessct	archived	https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://twitter.com/namelessct/status/*
Xbox Gamertag	namelessct	gaming	https://www.xboxgamertag.com/search/namelessct
YouTube Channel	namelessct	video	https://www.youtube.com/c/namelessct/about
YouTube User2	namelessct	video	https://www.youtube.com/@namelessct

----------[ DeadlySprinkles ]----------
	- Girlfriend aka deadly_sprinkles:
		- Name: Christina
		- Image(s): https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/christina.jpg
		- Age: 18
		- Info: 
			-Some bitch that's with Nameless, 
			-gets bullied by parents and family members (I don't blame them, I would bully anyone who 
			even likes nameless.)
			- Loyal asf https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/loyalgirl.png 💀
			- dirty slag twists what pirxcy says to make him look bad
			- this bitch wouldn't make pirxcy his chocolate cake smh
		- URLS:
			- https://www.gaiaonline.com/profiles/deadlysprinkles/28769483/
		- Discord: @deadly_sprinkles
		- City: New York

----------[ SuperiorCookies ]----------
		- no need - pirxcy

Other shit: 
	-I didn't tell anyone todo this but w hesa fr fr (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1236690184670679193/1265402731233804398/2024-07-23_14-53-29.mp4?ex=66a161a1&is=66a01021&hm=f82231a188316bf4c3d36d2f12ec0d4e430d8ad93966cff1e3eba2787f3323b3&)

	- W server? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1246603584339185694/1267617614549618759/image.png?ex=66a97066&is=66a81ee6&hm=1f9ac1c4945e9a9429691931e9b7cb4ad9285b752b1eaa9b9a781ed510b31a71&

Proof of Snakage: https://cdn.pirxcy.dev/insider.html

██████████▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒░░░░░▒▒▒░░░░░░░░▓████│- snakes getting doxed brings me joy :)