Thanks to PomPomPurin for this cool template ,----[ General Information ] | Legal name: Darrell Affaire | Aliases: n0taSkid | Date of Birth: 30 April 2003 (18 Years old ) ( He told me he was born at night around 1:15-15 PM, at this hospital "Pr André Bongain" ) good to know | Home town: 209 Rte de Bellet, 06200 Nice, France `---- ,----[ Addresses ] | Current Address: 209 Rte de Bellet, 06200 `---- ,----[ Owner of ] | SkidForums : `---- ,----[ Phone Numbers ] | +33422534985 `---- ,----[ Profiles ] | Github : | SkidForums : `---- ,----[ Gender ] | Female `---- LIST OF DOMAINS OWNED BY N0TASKID : How do I know these things ? ...... HAX4OR I tried to dump the db of his forum , but the security of his forum was made by Vinny Troia