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Title:mxffienz dox
Created:Jun 5th, 2020
Created by: Anonymous
Views: 634
Comments: 1
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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这个孩子不再值得我花时间。 链接不再更新。 This fool is no longer worth my time. The link is no longer updated. Every link is archive on web.archive.org and Archive.is. I update archives for the final time and finish. No more dumb internet fool. English is not my native language so I am not very good yet. Some of these I wrote when I was intoxicated, so if you spot less good English that is why. If link is broken, check Web archives. Anything not in TXT is in folder of same name. !!! WHEN VIEWING YOUTUBE WEB ARCHIVE CAPTURE, ADD ?disable_polymer=1 AT THE END OF URL! Disclaimer. I am just a messenger. I am not involved in any community related to this fool. Anything I have not collected myself is given to me by unnamed sources. Names: Lyris (10 July 2019 - ???) Shibby / Shibbie (18 June 2019 to 10 July 2019) Mugi (??? - June 2019) Alison / Ali (??? - 8 May 2019) Twitter: lewdysama lolicumhentai q9it_ lolmoogie mugisama_ mugui mugiowo (7 May 2019 - ???) AyaLovesSexting (6 May 2019 only) x3nuzzles__ (6 May 2019) alialison__ alisonowo0 (suspended) the21revolving CallMeDDerp Other names: M mugi (6 May 2019) Mxffienz Mx AquaGunner iixOmqAutistim Zextris gay asian kid m Mxff Dxrpzz Dxrpiscool2 (v3rmillion) Dxrpical22 Mxffy Derp Maki???? Mio Koneko xxxFataction KaitlinsBabe Chip Da Ripper [B]eter lolitsderp ThyCallMeDerp eter callmedderp CallMeDerp CaiiMeDerp Killerdeath565 FaZe Derp Derpiscool2 7rd ixr4 zFantaGamer Lot of good info is found from here. All research here is done after reading of Document. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SEaCTOcoMik05_KAJvDME2Y75D51FiexUHdA_VsFed4/edit Random Info: Once YTPMV and Rip maker that dox others for fun, photoshop screenshots to make stupid people get on their side. Befriends trans people on purpose so they can later dox, deadname, and harass them. V3RMillion URL https://v3rmillion.net/showthread.php?tid=152423 shows that fool has been doing same behavior for a while. HTML save in folder because site needs login. Is an anime lover / "anitwitter goddess". According to this tweet https://twitter.com/x3nuzzles__/status/1105614256370798594 they has sister. Nothing else gathered from sibling. They were Internet dating Kal2447 for some time. May have been dating a girl https://twitter.com/x3nuzzles__/status/1087825051494289408 sometime. If "kaitlinsbabe" steam URL is taken into account, ex-girlfriend's name was Kaitlin. CaiiMeDerp channel was hacked / impersonated at some point in time. https://twitter.com/TX__Cameron/status/1022636594644307969 The CallMeDerp hacking was hoax.. "Hack" was a cover up done by Derp/Mxffienz/Alison so they could trash a friend's account. Looking at "proof" that the ytp4life dick pick was "real" https://streamable.com/yfvvt, they use NVIDIA GPU (shadowplay only work on NVIDIA GPU) Thanks to YTPMV screaming videos, know they have a "Magic Eagle" RGB keyboard. It also show surrounding houses. Street name unknown. Have a ASUS monitor, model number unknown. Video 20181129_181341 shows some kal2447 relations, 20181207_164553 shows proof of Roblox involvement They also have Nerf guns. Rrunning Windows 10. Judging from the PN Eleven/VidKids/Moltern/Glob discord group chat leak video, moogie claims to have "boyfriend". That is all I know now. After evading from harassing certain members in the YTPMV community, they now seem to be focused on "anitwitter". Their anitwitter phase seemed to end on 2 July 2019. Their twitter was deleted at this time. Name: Daniel (Dont know last name.) Fake name: Chris (no last name). An ex-friend claims that Chris is not their actual name. Their evidence is that in discord voice calls, their parents call them something else. Older Fake Name: Tommy / Tom Gender: "Female" (Male to Female Trans-gender, although this is only over internet as they still go by boy and are called boy name by parents. Harasses real trans people, give fool no respect.) DOB: October 4th, 2004 Race: White Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Phone Number: +1 (431) 335-9963 (Bell MTS) Father's Phone number: +1 (431) ???-4896 Father's name: Tom (Dont know last name.) Email: derpyoswag@gmail.com (Deleted) Skype: KD565 Phone: Samsung Galaxy A5 IP Address: ISP: Shaw Communications Windows Users directory (C:\Users\) name: derpiscool2 Games for Windows Live name: Killerdeath565 Discord: shibby.#2569 ID: 584219992833130499 (Account created 1 June 2019) (School friend thing seems to have been dropped) (This is Derp/Mxffienz/Alison in disguise, posing as "school friend".) Discord until 22 May 2019: mugi#5361 ID: 272483858233163777 (On 22 May, their discord account was disabled for ???) (Account created 21 January 2017) Current name: Deleted User dbf6cc8d Discord from 23 May 2019 to 1 June 2019: moogie#8645 ID: 555163273947774987 (Account created 12 March 2019) Judging by creation date, this was probably an alt at some time. Discord Alt Account: Big Fat Poopy Poo#7622 Old Discord: mxffienz#9709 Old Discord: Mxffy#0107, once Derpiscool2#0107 (Deleted) Discord server (Mxffienz' Server): https://discord.gg/brKEQWw (Deleted) Discord server (YTPMVsunner) : https://discordapp.com/invite/QejVyZq (invite invalid) (Deleted) Discord server (shibby server): https://discord.gg/yAb8RsD (Anon source tell me that Document was sent, and they deleted server. (Terminated) YouTube Channel (CallMeDerp): https://www.youtube.com/c/CallMeDerp https://youtube.com/channel/UCGZWEGv_emOFf72t9RZUvKA (hack?) (Deleted) YouTube Channel (CallMeDerp) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUGZWEGv_emOFf72t9RZUvKA (Deleted) YouTube Channel (YTPMVSunner): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtaJcLPTCPSSBLbPGKa2vaQ (Googlecache proves channel exist.) (Terminated) YouTube Channel (Mxffienz/Alison): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzAAqzM_Zv6bFuE8LSdh2Eg (Deleted) YouTube channel (Alison): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChRMCeRKAs-_QyYiuaBx3fg (deleted due to "drama") Secret YouTube Channel (Dean Hudson): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeVWomTxh-7XiWXfBH3UprA (Document lists this as Derp/Mxffienz/Alison.) Mxffienz/Alison videos are here https://archive.org/search.php?query=Alison%20ytpmv (Deleted) YouTube channel (m/mugi): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMA1BDVPb-sQ2ZsshMMZoog (22 May 2019 Deleted) (Deleted) YouTube channel (Alison Nightcore): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS2HQ11dd07sscaLMPaowVA (24 May 2019 Delete start) (30 May 2019 Deleted) (Deleted) YouTube channel alt (alison alt/THIS PROJECT IS RETIRED/ali): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zQksAmS-ZAqc_qSBl9L8g (24 May 2019 Deleted) (Deleted) Secret YouTube Channel (Laki Migon) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChuN7A4ZdAigDVs8Ntp1caw A cached version can be found in google search, it has been archived. Affiliate YouTube channel: PalmFire (previously known as RennosAvlilg) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvvqKmHSivg3jUatuwmursw/ (Not run by Derp/Mxffienz/Alison no longer. Older Web Archive capture show when they did.) (Deleted) Affiliate YouTube channel: I YTPMV Anything https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrdXV8CJxsztvhKnVT0pAyg (24 May 2019 Deleted) (Deleted) Twitter: https://twitter.com/mugiowo ID: 746486251885203456 (Deleted) Twitter Alt: https://twitter.com/alisonaltepic (Deleted) Twitter: https://twitter.com/q9it_ (Deleted) Twitter: https://twitter.com/cumonlolis ID: 1138261026246451201 Twitter: https://twitter.com/lyriscutie0 ID: 1055016339130195968 (deleted) Affiliate Twitter: https://twitter.com/VlilvaGonner/ (No archive) (deleted) Affiliate Twitter: https://twitter.com/RennosAvlilg/ (No archive) (suspended) Affiliate Twitter: https://twitter.com/BenderFlash/ Steam (ID link): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198314178085 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/cuminlolis/ SteamID: https://steamid.uk/profile/76561198314178085 (inactive) Steam Group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Mxffienz (deleted)) Reddit: https://old.reddit.com/user/Mxffienz (inactive) Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mxffienz/ (Site gone) Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/104326967393992874487 (Deleted) Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-934304879 Old Roblox Account: https://www.roblox.com/users/47399072/profile#!/about Roblox Account: https://www.roblox.com/users/298666460/profile (ixr4) Roblox Account: https://www.roblox.com/users/204659452/profile/ (Dxrpical22) Affiliate Roblox account: https://www.roblox.com/users/621546950/profile Pornhub account: https://www.pornhub.com/users/dxrpical22 Pornhub account: https://www.pornhub.com/users/derpiscool2 Ex-Internet friend name: Billy / Bill (last name unknown) Ex-Internet friend YouTube channel (CorvetteBro): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7R8s04viiDKp_2Ns9E5v0g/ Ex-Internet friend YouTube channel (ThyCallMeCorv): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg6WHJGskIkcUm0-s2RmRuw/ Said friend had a Roblox, but was hacked: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKfnlKZ8UrM Billy was no more than e-friend who got back stabbed by Derp/Mxffienz/Alison like lots of other. Other relevant links / info: After being exposed for harassment dead naming of transgender people in the Shibby phase, they have evaded to "Lyris". The "Derpiscool2" windows directory is known because of a leaked VEGAS PRO 15 project file. Reverse engineer of file give strings to C:\Users\Derpiscool2\ . See windir1 and windir2. An old Tweet http://twitter.com/FatherDisciplz/status/797832618662313984 reveals their name to be Tommy. This is fake name https://my.namejeff.com/GafURTKb.png This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkUlMnT3-Ds&) claims that their real name is Daniel. The name "Daniel" is known because in Discord voice call, Derp/Mxffienz/Alison Mother says "Daniel!" and they respond to that. https://db-ip.com/ (IP address info) The IP has a location of Winnipeg, Manitoba so is still active(?) Their behavior seems to remain unchanged in anime twitter community. Research show a friend leave Twitter because "after the events of yesterday pertaining to Raphi, Eris, Shibby, and Lyra", because doxxing and intentional harassment from Shibby https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1squdoo Samsung Galaxy A5 confirm July 2019 because YTPMV music source video shows hitting Galaxy A5 box. All uncropped screenshots produced by Derp/Mxffienz/Alison are in 720p with Samsung icon. A5 is 720p. https://elmos-world-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/Fundir_Broe_UTTP (Involved with GoAnimate army. See enemies. "ThyCallMeDerp") https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:8gGHwfdB6t8J:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChuN7A4ZdAigDVs8Ntp1caw/discussion%3Fdisable_polymer%3D1+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca (Laki Migon cached) https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:dWAdotGWI3cJ:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtaJcLPTCPSSBLbPGKa2vaQ/videos%3Fview%3D0%26sort%3Dp%26shelf_id%3D2+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca (YTPMVSunner channel) https://www.roblox.com/users/182766601/profile (Not confirm) https://www.roblox.com/users/75202716/profile (Not confirm) https://twitter.com/CorvetteBro/status/763512114925408256 (Dxrpzz name) https://twitter.com/_sd9_/status/893082693851860992 (Proof CallMeDerp/Mxffienz name, as well as GoAnimate character.) https://twitter.com/CorvetteBro/status/787706282560131072 (Relations with CorvetteBro) https://genius.com/ThyCallMeDerp (Older generation Derp/Mxffienz/Alison uses Pacman purple ghost.) https://siivagunner.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_(Muffin_Mix)_-_Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s (Mxffienz timeline.) https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=110024 (v3rmillion account, requires login to view) Seems like on v3rmillion account, he make fake "exploits" to grab webpage cookies and make RAT programs using Microsoft Visual Basic. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ2V7R-vyjdKcHnjGR6ihqA/videos (Source of some old controversy.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5yTBknquQg (Screen recording, show old discord profile.) https://www.roblox.com/library/406024111/ThyCallMeDerp (show ThyCallMeDerp name) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsrdAAD4yyo (Show Derpiscool2/ThyCallMeDerp name and old controversy.) https://thatguywithnosoul.fandom.com/wiki/Mxffienz https://www.roblox.com/games/1436311412/Mxffienzs-Admin-Town https://www.roblox.qq.com/games/302357024/Derps-Admin-Town https://www.twitch.tv/mxffienz (22 April 2019 Deleted) https://www.vidlii.com/user/Mxffienz (Not active) https://www.roblox.qq.com/groups/3999402/The-DerpIings https://www.roblox.qq.com/users/298666460/profile (roblox account mirror) (ixr4) https://www.roblox.qq.com/users/83355912/profile/ (Old roblox alt account) (Derpiscool) https://www.roblox.qq.com/users/309628249/profile/ (Another roblox alt) (lxr4) https://www.roblox.com/games/289393661/Admin-For-Free (roblox game, Admin for Free by Killerdeath565) https://accessyoutube.org.uk/Chadtronic+On+Scan+V2+-+Mxffienz+%26+Chadtronic+Scan+%7C+RaveDJ (older YTPMV channel videos?) https://siivagunner.fandom.com/wiki/Circus_(Muffin_Mix)_-_Five_Nights_at_Freddy%27s https://overrustlelogs.net/Keemstar%20chatlog/October%202017/2017-10-30 (Keemstar twitch chat log) https://www.strawpoll.me/10580034 (candidate namees) https://rbxvault.com/user/Derpiscool2 https://scriptinghelpers.org/user/ixr4 https://vidoops.com/channel/youtube:UCGZWEGv_emOFf72t9RZUvKA (CallMeDerp video list) Extra info: Change username on Twitter? View page source Google Chrome, then CTRL F Find similar_to_user_id":" . Numbers after that is ID. Once ID found, insert at end of this link https://twitter.com/intent/user?user_id=
4 years ago