|                    [-] Dox by GhostDev & {C@|>i@} [-]         | 

[+] REASON : My mother's boyfriend hit my mother and he said several times that he was going to kill
the policeman told my mother's boyfriend to stay away from my mother or he would get in trouble and he started again...again...again...and again.....

|                   [-] Personnal Informations [-]              |

| [+] last name : Bozhesku
| [+] Name : Arthur
| [+] Full Name : Artur Bozhesku
| [+] Age : 33ans
| [+] Work Adresse : 83 RUE HENRI GIFFARD, LIMOGES, 87280, FR
| [+] Was born is : Ukraine
| [+] Current City : Melun
| [+] Current country : France
| [+] Phone : 0773505800 and 0695451900