[~~~~~~~~~~~~~General Info~~~~~~~~~~~~~] [IGN] monuscript [Full Name] Kolkiy Konstantin Anatolievich [Place of study] School № 42'20 of simferopol(previous) [DoB] 27th of December, 2002 [Town] Sertolovo(current), Simferopol(previous) [Adress] Klennovaya Street, h.1, apt 29 [Social Media] https://vk.com/id350125141(current) https://vk.com/id261809398(old) https://vk.com/id216473992(old) [~~~~~~~~~~~~Relatives Info~~~~~~~~~~~~] [Mother] Yulia Kolkova Phone Number: +380958819707(old) Social Media: https://vk.com/id74270612 [Father] Kolkiy Anatoliy Anatolievich TiN: 371104915543 ID: 2405242439 DoB: 14th of August, 1986 Phone Number: +79533603406 Social Media: https://vk.com/id5682133 [Mother's sister] Galina Kolkova https://vk.com/id121094450 [~~~~~~~~~~~~Transport Info~~~~~~~~~~~~] Honda Shadow 400 Slasher Federal Number: 0049AN78 Car's ID: 25UR320026