sister of facebook doxer mod0k aka modok aka m0d0k aka mike tucker. ill keep doxing his family members until he
removes the doxes from his facebook and stops doxing people.

his dox:
proof he is a seriel harasser. doxes people and says "go get them minions" it's so fuckin cringey even teaches friends
how to use people search lmfaoo all proof in file links:

feel free to add ssns cuz im havin trouble finding. especially his ssn. mike tucker d.o.b. 10/13/90 i want it on here bad
                                 sisters name: Ashlee Buchanan
                                         maiden: Tucker
                             husband: Raymond Buchanan married 2007
                                     birthdate: June 11 1985
                                 children: Breanna Ryan and Jake 
                                address: 12052 Foster Rd, Unit 1
                                          Norwalk CA 90650
                                     phone: (562) 219-0743

                                          husband email:

                                        password breryan1

#modok #mod0k #m0d0k #miketucker #ashleebuchanan