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                                        -Table Of Contents-
                                        [0x000] Reasons for Dox
                                        [0x111] Basic Information
                                        [0x222] Pictures / SS
                                        [0x333] Socials
                                        [0x555] Email Addresses
                                        [0x777] Property Infomation
                                        [♡ ♡ ♡] Final Words
                                         ♡ 0x000                                             

-Tried Exorting my Girl
-Believes he is undoxxable
-Rest in piss
                                        ♡ 0x111                                       

[Alias][s]…………………………… Will_breaker gentelmanx andrewcross
[Full Name]……………………… Edward Lyne Teague JR 
[Ethnicity]………………………… White
[Date Of Birth]…………………..  9/3/1982
[Age]………………………………  39
[Eye Color]……………………………… Hazel
[Country]………………………………… United States
[County]…………………………………… Houston, Texas
[Current Address]………………………… 4014 Osby Drive 77025 (1404 Bayou ST Houston, TX 77020)
[Phone]…………………………. 209-687-2471 , +1 (832) 471-9420 (601) 228-1821

[Landline]…………………………. 713 665 6739, 713-660-8470
                                        ♡ 0x222                                         
Photo of the fat cunt:https://imgur.com/a/KhY60dH
Photo from facebook: https://imgur.com/a/g9JPyNO
mr 1337 hacker unmasked: https://imgur.com/a/N0oXxgz
Mr Retard: https://imgur.com/a/X8MrwIO
Photo of him being a pedo speaking to a 15 y/o girl: https://imgur.com/a/dYv8rxY
                                        ♡ 0x333                                          
- https://twitter.com/CagerThe

- https://www.instagram.com/will_breaker._/
- https://www.instagram.com/thecagerco/

- https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000753921596

- https://m.youtube.com/channel/UClGm_ujbKaXAm3gYUjEfJyA

- Thecager.co
- hangm3n.com

                                        ♡ 0x777                                     
 Property Details:

- Estimate Cost: $259,500

- Garage - Attached

- 1572 square foot single family home has 3 bedrooms

- 1.5 bathrooms

- Photo of house and car: https://imgur.com/a/GoCXToD

                                         ♡ ♡ ♡                                       
- Thinking it was okay to trying to exort my girl. Rest in piss cunt.
- #RID #Pimpsquad
- https://twitter.com/ExpIoitatlons & https://twitter.com/Buffer0verfIow
- Fuck of you egostical fat pedo xoxoxoxoxoxo, You're my little slave. 
- Doxxed By Decievability and Zoa, Get rooted ROFL

Exort my girl and ill exort your family tomorrow