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                                                 ║                     Basic Information                    ║

               maya is a 16 year old girl from Birmingham who online dates random Asians and retards and she's just really cringe and pathetic.

                                                        Discord Usernames: sleepy_headforu
                                                                  Age: 16

                                                        Address: 325 Gillott Rd, Birmingham, England

                                                  IP Address: [ISP: Lycatel Distribution UK Limited]

                                                               Phone Number: +44 7404 644165

                                                             School Phone Number: 0121 454 0895

                                                             School: St Pauls all girls school

                                                           Area: Rotton Park, Birmingham, B16 0NL

                                                ║                          Images                          ║

                              House Picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119063739291947159/1120443710333792426/image.png

                               School Images: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119063739291947159/1120443481396101330/image.png

                 School Signup Form: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119063739291947159/1119063932783579166/Screenshot_20230616_004339_OneDrive.png

                  Uniform Info: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1119063739291947159/1119063889468989480/Screenshot_20230616_004616_Chrome.png

                                               ║                    Social Information                    ║

                                                     School Website: https://www.stpaulgl.bham.sch.uk/ 

                                          School Twitter: https://twitter.com/SPGbham?t=I4Fzl6Ume-dfam2N9VCbBw&s=09

                                                         Twitter: https://twitter.com/Yourranxietyok

                                                                  InstaGram: (DELETED) 

                                                  Roblox: https://www.roblox.com/users/1340881287/profile

                                   Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31b652xi6s3hg6ywbzufivb33oiq?si=22ff349fe5454a8c