---Dox by Team Basilisk---

--General Info--
Name: Masil Aliu (pretty sure he goes by different names online)
Father's Name: Premal Aliu
Mother's Name: Flutura Aliu
Brother/sister: One Younger Brother

Street: Prenge Morina
Locality: Rrethi i Pukës, Qarku i Shkodrës
Country: Albania, AL
Subregion: Southern Europe
Region: Europe
Continent: Europe
Lat/Lon: 42.0789676, 19.5155569
Google Maps Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@42.0789676,19.5155569,3a,75y,153.91h,129.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sa-VhlOBXxRiDToOLVKCdzg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

--Photos(might not be accurate)--
Him: https://imgur.com/vEsDVIQ
His dad and brother: https://imgur.com/eFD3Fdw

---Dox by Team Basilisk---