|                        Introduction                          |

             .  .
             | a_a\
             | | "]              +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
         ____| '-\___            |   Marius Huerth is a ugly racist fat motherfucker who leaks minor's
                       |            nudes because he tried to date her and she broke his little heart.
    ! / \ |                                          He is a harmless little bitch with no self-esteem!
   ! / \ |   |________                                                          Get fucked, ''Noah''
   |/  \ |  []_|_|_] \ |         +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
   | \  | \ |___   _\ ]_}
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|                      Personal Information                    |

Name: Marius Huerth
Alias: Noah, L0CKER, majus
Year of birth: 2008
|                           Location                           |

City: Hürth
Country: Germany
Timezone: UTC+01:00
|                         Social Media                         |

Discord: majusgng
Discord ID: 1130555402656944192
TikTok: marius.huerth (priv acc cuz he posts his face LMAO)
Instagram: ma7us354
Instagram 2: ma7us.prvt (majus)
Snapchat: majus354
Medal ID: https://medal.tv/u/ma7us?invite=ur-MSxIS1QsMTY3MjAzMzkzLA
he also got his own discord server:
|                        Other Information                     |
he is known to say the n-word (he is fully white) leak other people that
hurt his feelings and he said that he will have the girl ''stabbed'' or
''beaten to death'' by 26th august (hes harmless he gets people's ip 
with ip grabber links)
more info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1psMzNPSmYgJo0Oa9MlWHoi2ZBMKmdjO6e7sJ9rUGlQg/edit
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