reason of dox: he using his girlfriend for 18+ and have problem with alcohol in young age.

Name: Filip.
Surname: Banan.
Age : 16.
Pesel: 06280806236.
Date of birth: 08.08.2006.
Height: 172-177cm.
Hair Color: Dark.
Siblings: 1 brother
Mother: Ania Banan.
Father: ---- Works in germany.
Girlfriend: Aleksandra, 16yo.
street of residence: Urzędnicza 2, Toruń.
girlfriend street of residence: Urzędnicza 2, Toruń.
Lives with: parents, brother.
What is afraid of: loss, death,
Snapchat : vapeprzytki_
Girl Snapchat : Aleks356 (it can be old)
Girl Number: +48 63 432 74 78
Messenger : Filip Banan.
Facebook : Filip Banan.
Instagram : vapeprzytki_
Discord ID: 742702350275668193
TikTok: vapeprzytki_
Phone number: +48 16 436 36 18
Favorite season: summer.
Diseases: aggression issues,

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