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"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else."

|              Table Of Contents            | 
|                                           |
|      -----------------------              |
|      0x01  Introduction...................|
|      0x02  Basic Information..............|                                       
|      0x03  Social Media...................|
|      0x04  IP Information.................|
|      0x05  Credits & Links................|
|                                           |
|       -----------------------             |
|                                           |
|                                           |

|           0x01 >[Introduction:]<          | 

# Dumb ethot
Don't betray trust and put hope into harmless skids

|        0x02 >[Basic Information:]<        | 

# Alias(s)............... mach1maddie
# Highschool............. TODD COUNTY CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL
# Full Name.............. Madison McClure
# Age.................... 16
# Occupation............. Backstab / Lying / trying to call me out
# D.O.B.................. February 13 
# Phone Number........... N/A
# Relationship Status.... Single
# Phone: Iphone X
# Picture(s)............. 

|         0x03 >[Social Media:]<            | 

Snapchat: mach1madison
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/gz5ajtsh6krwkh8pjdxm2z03v
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mach1maddie
ART IG: https://instagram.com/maddie._.art08?igshid=8h59q9x25sjk
IRL IG: https://instagram.com/_mach1maddie_?igshid=1pkaqpbsqqf62
VR IG: https://instagram.com/mach1maddie.vrc?igshid=6w5ruqd0qov9
Battle.Net ID: Mach1Maddie#1529
Discord: Mach1Maddie#5496
Discord ID: 418163253907030026
Steam URL: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198812104603
Steam created: February 6, 2018
Steam ID: 76561198812104603
vrchat username: Mach1Maddie
VR user ID: usr_866caab0-fd71-491b-ae2d-5b9da8bcbca0

|          0x04 >[IP Information:]<         | 

Country: N/A
(US) Region: N/A

|         0x05 >[Credits & Links:]<         | 
L & M (More Updates coming soon)