He's an autistic sandnigger idk. Real Name: "Hamza Apedoolah" LOL Birthday: "February 30, 2006" Current Location: "38 Stromer Str. Bremen, Germany" Steam: "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198805379756" Fakebook: "https://facebook.com/hamza.apestein.27" Phone: "+4915720165401" All I Want for Christmas Is less ugly virgins: "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008199074870206555/1008200059298521138/unknown.png" "https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1008199074870206555/1008201369620074616/bombuddullah.png" Yet another sandnigger migrant leaching off the government. His mom is white, but yet another brain-dead whore who fucked a coalmine explosive. XDD Has both mommy and daddy issues, has slipping grades at school because he can't touch grass. Is into diaper play and cross dressing. Sinning against his own sandnigger religion. ???????????? Has ascended from regular forms of bipolar disorder. Has admitted to taking advantage of multiple minors.