║                                        Fave                                         ║
║                                       School                                        ║
║ > School name: Sainte Victoire International School                                 ║
║ > Webiste: https://en.schoolsaintevictoire.com                                      ║
║ > Location: Fuveau, France                                                          ║
║ > Number: +33442265196                                                              ║                                      
║                                Personal Information                                 ║
║ > First name: Odin                                                                  ║
║ > Middle Name: N/A                                                                  ║
║ > Last Name: Olsen                                                                  ║
║ > Email: contact@lungskull.com - buisness                                           ║
║ > Location: Fuveau, France                                                          ║
║ > Aliases: jacky, lungskull, odin                                                   ║                                                      
║                                   Discord Info                                      ║
║ > Discord Identifier: jacky#0001 | 262697494041853953                               ║
║                                Credits And Notes                                    ║
║ > Dropped By: fave                                                                  ║
║ > Final Notes: your music sucks LOOL                                                ║
║ > I have obtained this info legally, nor I condone illegal activities with this info|