********                            0x00                          ********
* 1: An annoying bitch who thinks it is funny to tell people to kys      *
* 2: Thinks he is all big and scary when he really isnt and harmless.    *
* 3: Arrogant                                                            *

********                            0x01                          ********
* Accomplice                         | strqwberry, rosie/al0e, jessie,   *
*                                    | lucas/cooler_lucas, skrebucaicai  *
*                                    |       ,                           *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* PRETENDING TO BE...                | A DDOSER, Talks shit when cant hit* 
*                                    | Trexity, jessie                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* GROUPS HE HAS CLAIMED (LOOOL)      | ISISGang, LizardSquad, LulzSec    *
*                                    | TsGh, UGNazi, Anonymous           * 
*                                    |                                   *
* NAME                               | Lucas Michaels                    *
* AGE                                | 15                                *
* EDUCATION                          | Highschool                        *
* GENDER                             | Male                              *
* ETHNICITY                          | Mixed                             *
* PICTURE                            |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* PHONE NUMBER (OLD)                 | +1 (541) 568 5434                 *
* PHONE PROVIDER                     | Verizon (wireless)                *
*                                    |                                   *
* EMPLOYMENT                         | Live Action RolePlayer | skid     *
* HOME ADDRESS                       | 57400 Quartz Mountain LN          *
#SUNRIVER, Bend, OR 97707            |                                   *
* CITY                               | Bend                              *
* STATE                              | Oregon                            *
* COUNTRY                            | USA                               *
* ZIP/POSTAL CODE                    | 97708                             *
*                                    |                                   *
* KNOWN PASSWORD                     | qwelucas7, Lucas9, hellsya94,     *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* DICK PICS  (BE WARNED ITS GNARLY)  | https://imgur.com/zFSHdiC         *
*                                    |                                   *

********                            0x02                          ********
* MINECRAFT                          | lucasqw7 , Lucasgotswag,          *
*                                    | liloucas, zombiekillerqwe7        *
*                                    |                                   *
* MINECRAFT UUIDs                    |71375a9-e8fe-441f-95be-818eae6f00b9*
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* DISCORD                            | lucasqwe7#5940                    *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* DISCORD CLIENT IDs                 | 448322858054057995,               *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* EMAIL(s)                           | smackmepapi121@gmail.com,         *
*                                    | supermtuber@gmail.com,            *
*                                    | lucasqwe7@gmail.com               *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* SNAPCHAT                           | lucasqwe_7                        *
*                                    |                                   *
*                                    |                                   *
* SKYPE                              | DELETED                           *
* INSTAGRAM                          | lucasqwe7                         *
*                                                                        *

********                            0x13                          ********
* RAN BY:                     | xan#0069  | RavenX    | Crashy   | N@NZ  *
* TWITTER:                    | @CutiesHaven | @RavenX | @NQNSZ3NIS      *