epic detrace, retard. thanks for admitting you're a masochistic idiot that thrives on public humiliation. --- Louka Menard Blondin posted this shitpost yesterday as an attempt to prevent people from looking him up: https://doxbin.com/upload/LoukaAKALOUKAMENARDBLONDIN for those that don't know who he is, he's a retarded frenchie LARPer that is so disgusted of his own race that he constantly tries to tell people he's actually just canadian. in fact he LARPs so hard that he randomly reminds people he's "Canadian french" and that he's super proud of it or something, and he gets really fucking mad when people call him out. what's funnier is that right before his "dox" was posted here, he erased all public indications of him living in france to make his "canadian" LARPing stronger before: https://i.imgur.com/cvFH7XM.png after: https://i.imgur.com/0pvNvGX.png he also erased it form his keybase account (https://keybase.io/cocainereaper) where it used to be in his bio. louka also mentioned several times that he lives "near an ovh" datacenter in canada. there is an ovh datacenter in canada, but there is 10 more in france. he tried being stealthy about this in his detrace by including an address in "Beauharnois", where the canadian datacenter is https://i.imgur.com/QB36oqQ.png in order to throw people off and make his "dox" more believable he also included absolutely zero of his socials. any person worth his salt would have spent the 5 minutes necessary to search his (user)names up, but this did not happen, which is BS considering some of his more popular nicknames like CocaineReaper are _literally_ the usernames for his socials, like Snapchat (look him up lol)or Reddit. coincidentally, however, a supposedly anonymous user commented a single social: a LinkedIn account, which coincidentally (again) places him as if he's living in canada, claiming he lives around montreal. fun fact: on that LinkedIn, he claims to work at a company called "Aedifice SENC", another company COINCIDENTALLY in the same exact BS city he reported like 3 times on his detrace https://opengovca.com/quebec-business/3377299832 its address is literally 1 street away from his "address" on the detrace. 100% guaranteed he just picked a random fucking business from opengov in the ovh city, went on google maps, picked a house near it and pasted the addr on the bin then called it a successful detrace attempt ???? nevermind the fact the company is a construction company and not software development LOL, no construction company would hire his fat ass the dox also didn't include his nipples which is public knowledge: https://www.reddit.com/r/Dermatology/comments/r95cez/male_20_chronic_nonitchy_nonchanging_rash_on/ takes 1 (ONE) username search to find this info. https://i.imgur.com/VTgHcn8.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/WiWatsE.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/suarLKG.jpeg everything else on the list is already public info. his IRL name is public, his family is public, he bragged about his wedding to literally every person he knows (go on the v3rm discord, ctrl+f "wedding" or "marriage" and I think 50% of the messages are from him?) even though he pretends he wants to "hide it". he's very well aware his wife is w/ him for the money to the point he even included it in the detrace. also literally every single selfie on his dox is a profile picture. its good IRLs but it's shit he purposefully took to make himself look even better. he even told people he lost 20 lbs in the paste even tho no doxer could have logged into his myfitnesspal account from any of the leaked dbs due to the pw having been reset since, it's just fucking bragging. also "Portage.ca" is an addiction center that didn't operate duringf the pandemic lol db info from leaks shows a "Louka Menard" with ips from quebec, but always in widely different locations. either it's not him (common name in canada apparently), it's a vpn or he actually lives in quebec, except far away from wherever he actually claims to live. I saw him talk about how he lives in a rural location? in short Louka is just a dirty french nigger that LARPs as a Quebecois french because he hates the fact he's French. he's an enormous faggot with shitty opsec that tried removing all his info right b4 he posted his "detrace" not knowing some of us knew his shit since forever. I hope he gets divorced