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                                                                                                                                     karma hits like a bitch


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He is a shitty person who sucks at leaking, etc.
He's hurt my friends and ruined some mentally to a point!
He leaked my friends/help leak them for no reason
He doesn't deserve to run around with yes men.


Real name: Kaden (Rest unknown)
Address: 11546 56th Pl N W Palm Beach, FL
Zip Code: 33411
Gmail: kaden.depew02@gmail.com
Phone Number: +1 (561) 307-9393 (Uses AT&T)
Age: 17-18
Nicknames/Usernames: Rizzler, Foolio
Discord: rizzlerv / 1132239402995830866
TikTok: ._.goatjo / https://www.tiktok.com/@._.goatjo?lang=en (Lil bro is NOT opium)

Pics of his face : https://imgur.com/a/50FB2Mt

jen on top ( me )
 got some help, aint gon say names
  got divider from cherry on doxbin ( sorry i just really like it )