[????] https://vk.com/id393272186

[????] F.I.O - Брусенцов Дмитрий Романович
[????] VK ID:
1. https://vk.com/id393272186
[????] Nomber Telephon - +797209717391
[????] Data Registration VK - 04.11.2016 в 13:23:49.
[????] Device - Android
[????] City - Тюмень
[????] School- N38
[????] Nomber School - +7 345 243-86-30
[????] Adress School - Кемеровская ул., 1Б, Тюмень, Тюменская обл., Россия, 625001
[????] VK GROUPS:
1. https://vk.com/hacklegit
2. https://vk.com/clan280mb
3. https://vk.com/nailyyt
[????] Relatives 
F.I.O Mother - Брусенцова Маргарита Романова
F.I.O Father  - Брусенцов Роман Романович
F.I.O Sister - Брусенцова  Ксения Романовна
[????]Social network Relatives:
- Father -https://vk.com/id10903327
-Sister- https://vk.com/id311991365
[????] Telephone Number Relatives
1.Mother - +79829166798
2.Father - +79220403438
[????] The passports:
[????] Automobile N -   HYUNDAI SOLARIS , TOYTA CAMRY NO ПТС 429976
[????] VIN Mother - Z94CT41DBFR355899
[????] VIN Father - XW7BH4FK20S003366
[????] INN Mother - 7744001105
[????] INN Father - 5408117935
[????] Series and number passport Mother - 2918876101
[????] Series and number passport Father - 0711 651651 
[????] ORGN Father - 1025400001571
[????] ORGN Mother - 1027739094250

by .helford deanonig. 30❤️ = swatting.????