

 im looking for pedos to dox so if you have proof of someone being a pedo and would like to have a full dox put out on them i would be more then happy
                                                                            to help you
                                                  DISCORD                                                  TELEGRAM
                                                   ZOITU                                                egirlextortion



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  court is a loser who spends 24/7 on discord.com grooming underage little girls and spreading childporn to everyone he knows from first sending gifs
                to sending full on childporn to everyone he knows as well as making childporn by using underage egirls on discord



                            ███╗   ███╗ █████╗ ██╗███╗   ██╗    ██████╗ ███████╗ █████╗ ███████╗ ██████╗ ███╗   ██╗███████╗
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court is a edgar who happens to also love children! was apart of another friendgroup i had until he started posting child porn gifs as a joke! and since
has been kicked out of the FG due to this after some time thinking we started to think his "funny harmless cp jokes" were not jokes at all and turns out
we were right court had been dating a 12 year old for some time and would not admit to it while cat fishing and pretending to be our friend and that is
why we are doxing court now we could only find 1 little girl he had been "messing" with but due to his accounts being termed over 7 times were pretty sure
that court has way more then 1 victim and with due time if i find anymore info on court or anyone who has been a victim of him i will be sure to update
                                        this paste with more info as time goes on with all this being said here is courts dox



  ➤NAME: Matthew Ivan Martinez
  ➤EMAIL: martinezm7m@aol.com
  ➤ACCOUNTS LINKED TO EMAILS/NUMBER: http://my.nike.com/Matthew276649680
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 4/15/1961 (62yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: none in his legal name
  ➤PASSWORDS: a12345
  ➤HOME: none in his legal name
  ➤ADDRESS: 3240 W Windmill Way Layton, UT 84041
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 1883 W 1600 N Layton, UT 84041



  ➤NAME: Danielle M Martinez
  ➤EMAIL:  daniellemartinez55@gmail.com
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 11/27/1991 (31yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (385) 439-9395
  ➤PASSWORDS: none found
  ➤HOME: (801) 546-7083
  ➤ADDRESS: 3240 W Windmill Way Layton, UT 84041
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 1883 W 1600 N Layton, UT 84041



  ➤NAME: Yvonne B Martinez
  ➤EMAIL: not found
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 4/30/1965 (58yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (385) 439-9395 ( not confirmed )
  ➤PASSWORDS: not found
  ➤HOME: (801) 546-7083
  ➤ADDRESS: 3240 W Windmill Way Layton, UT 84041
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 1883 W 1600 N Layton, UT 84041



  ➤NAME: Shadleigh Vanderstappen
  ➤EMAIL: shadleighv80@gmail.com (nigga had a dating-hackers.com account lul)
  ➤ACCOUNTS LINKED TO EMAILS/NUMBER: https://www.youtube.com/@shadleighvanderstappen8397, https://twitter.com/shadleighv_shad
  ➤BIRTHDATE: 10/21/1980 (42yrs)
  ➤NUMBERS: (801) 476-0288
  ➤PASSWORDS: none found
  ➤HOME: none found
  ➤ADDRESS: 1026 E 5675 S Ogden, UT 84405
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: none found
  ➤Relatives: already listed



  ➤NAME: Rayan Vanderstappen (court)
  ➤EMAIL: kaisantosxdlol@gmail.com
  ➤BIRTHDATE: unknown
  ➤NUMBERS: (hides them well)
  ➤DISCORD: mislead#0001
  ➤PASSWORDS: none found
  ➤ADDRESS: 3240 W Windmill Way Layton, UT 84041
  ➤PAST ADDRESS: 1883 W 1600 N Layton, UT 84041



 just gonna add this as a + to who ever see's this for some reason this niggas dad is a buff white and for NO reason at all dated some ugly indian to
                                               to bring this ugly pedo indian nigga into the world then LEFT
                                                  also he has a mom and she has 0 info out there on her
                                                   btw ik this aint the best had almost no info on him