Name: Daria Efimova

Age: 15+

Operator: Megaphone
Phone number: +7 (926) 021-73-95 (new)

City: Ufa
Country: RU

Region: Region Bashkortostan 

Addres: Rostelecom

BUILD: 97161082732846

Number range: 79961070000-7996107999

School: №98.

IG|INST: https://www.instagram.com/lolitta.hue 

Vk: https://vk.com/id568640580

Street: Prospekt Oktyabrya Ufa 5.8 km from city center

Discord: Elya Fashistovna#8888

Tg-ram: @crossbow0
imgur(face) - https://imgur.com/a/GTys2UP
[REASON]: hypocritical girl, arrogant, proud. Threats to the elderly 

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