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Dropped by: the one and only Jacky
Reasons: leaking old pictures, online whoring around, bitching and talking shit.

   ⛧ -> Personal Information:
   ⛧ Full Name + Age
Olivia Kaelynn Chisler age of 15 almost.
   ⛧ D.O.B (Date of birth)
August 2007
   ⛧ Address
1684 Castle Peak Dr, Rural Hall, NC 27045
This is a temporary one of where she lives atm because she is going to move. 
 ⛧ Pictures
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621087786572709888/804109005572145222/image0.png?width=328&height=603 she has some fat ass feet
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621087786572709888/797295167638994994/image0.png with her mom
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621087786572709888/797295260279242762/image0.png?width=464&height=604 with her mom
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/621087786572709888/784081122102607892/image0.png whoring around in a skirt on tiktok for clout ;) what a shame.
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/836308134283706379/899435768936820746/image0.gif tf is u doing in this chewing on the air?
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970398771093590136/unknown.png what a star
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970399192344297532/unknown.png her with her grandma
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970399326008401980/unknown.png her with her granny
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970399440135417867/unknown.png what a model
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970399691298705559/unknown.png zoo wee mama
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/945382676297285733/964989951185932428/unknown.png u sure are that's why your on anti depressant pills

⛥ Phone #: ⛥ 681-443-0781 (Area code west virginia, Olivia lives with her mom at the moment in another place)
⛥Embarrassing Texts that do not mean anything to me you will understand it.
I was a horny mf in those don't ask. 
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/803717986107260978/830552657345118228/unknown.png?width=664&height=604 In here I leaked one of those and she was tryna make me lie and say it was inspect to her friends

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  ⛧  Social Media
   Here's her social media, go send her some dick pics and make her horny.

   ⛧ Snapchat

⛧ Instagram

  ⛧ Discord
discord id:801256221692133384

   ⛧ Roblox

⛧  Family
   Since she decided to leak old pictures of me that are out of context might aswell just leak some more somewhat useless information.

⛧  (Dad)
     Unknown he left her family and I am too lazy to go search for it
⛧ Angela Chisler (mom)
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------
         ⛧ Address ->307 1684 Castle Peak Dr, Rural Hall, NC 27045 as of right now
         ⛧ Age : 35 I believe
         ⛧ Number:   (304) 798-3627  
        her MOM: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970402775647289414/unknown.png
And her mom's facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.chisler

  ⛧ Mark Truman Chisler
 ⛧ Numbers:(336) 893-5537 (304) 798-3158  I believe are accurate.
⛧ Age : 65
⛧ Address ->307 1684 Castle Peak Dr, Rural Hall, NC 27045 
Picture of the grandpa with the grandma: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970403957975420949/unknown.png
https://www.facebook.com/mark.chisler.9 His facebook

 ⛧Rita Diane/Moore Chisler
⛧ Number:(304) 798-3158 (336) 893-5537  one of these maybe ig?
⛧ Age : 61
⛧ Address ->307 1684 Castle Peak Dr, Rural Hall, NC 27045 
https://www.facebook.com/rita.chisler Her Grandmas facebook, there is a ton to look at if your interested.
Picture of her grandma: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869333366594494494/970405168040517642/unknown.png

Need to contact the sexy me? Add my discord discords: Pakistani#0001

────────────────────▓▒              ily ;)