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 00 Introduction........................................
 01 Identity..............................................
 02 Person.............................................
 03 Socials.............................................
 04 Ending.........................................
 05 Credits..............................................
»Telegram: t.me/saintopsec

║ 00 -                      Introduction                                   |                                             
INTRO - I introduce to Joshua, and or littletrainguy. A child, who has a huge ego despite the fact hes fat, and plays lego games all day.

║ 01 -                      Identity                                       |                                             

 » Name: Joshua Wilkinson
 » DOB:
 » Age: 15
 »Sex: Male
 »Address 1: 305 Narrows Rd
 » Zip Code: 37160
 »Phone Number : (478) 365-1937
» Photos
⤷ [Gun Moment] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1300257302598914139/1300257852199272499/traingun.png?ex=6752f0bd&is=67519f3d&hm=0dd0018f44dd756dc8df861ca8bae8d9e42f957a674c73c9241a4038584b4dbd&
⤷ [This is my tanktop] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1300257302598914139/1300257852488814673/trainthisismytanktop.png?ex=6752f0bd&is=67519f3d&hm=017f09dda8a611d87dc04593a885dd1b64fd8adf11ddeac90f15904b9af7d178&
║ 03 -                       Socials                                        |                                            
» Roblox: 
 ⤷ https://www.roblox.com/users/90941458/profile?friendshipSourceType=PlayerSearch
» Snapchat
⤷ snapchat.com/littletrainguy

║ 04 -                     Outro                                              |                                             
I hope Joshua learn that his continuous shit talking doesn't go unnoticed, epsically with the way he acts. I aswell hope he remembers the
fact that he is a fat, adopted, cunt who isnt loved. Bye bye, Joshua.
║ 05 -                     Credits                                              |                                             
Template, aswell as some face pictures - kod doxbin.com/swatsent
OSINT - saintsec doxbin.com/saintsec