stupid pedophile.... litterley likes kids greedy/selfish and took my money and flexed the stuff i bought him too my friends stupid ass boy this is what you get
Karma, i wont say my name but good luck finding me because im in another country :> (he killed someone befour)
name: opdesh
address canada,ontario,brampton,canarvan 34 
roblox info/password roblox user: urhieeu|password|10987654321 OR Opdeshiscool123 or OPDESHISCOOL123 or OPDESHISCOOL12345
minecraft hack clients account user: urhieeu,pass|10987654321 OR Opdeshiscool123 or OPDESHISCOOL123 or OPDESHISCOOL12345
you wont ever find who this is pedophile opdesh. good luck
Ruin his life. greedy selfish piece of shit 
Also try the passwords on his gmail.
good luck! im always 1 step ahead pedophile :)