Night darkness
Number: +79954462600
FULL name: Arseniy O. Botin
Birthday: 12/01/2008
Address: 347370, Russia, Rostov region , Volgodonsk, 30 let Pobedy str., 10, sq. 93

Number: +79807487543 (currently in use), +79054294480, +79281124846, +79185472245, +78639223444 ( probably uses it)
FULL name: Oleg Pavlovich Botin
Birthday: 12/31/1978
Address: 347370, Russia, Rostov region, Volgodonsk, ul. 30 let Pobedy, 10, sq. 93
TIN: 614303459770
SNILS: 06836942406

Number: +79885505586
Mail: botina.natasha@mail.ru
FULL name: (Kabanova) Botina Natalia Sergeevna
Birthday: 08/12/1983
Address: 347370, Russia, Rostov region, Volgodonsk, ul. 30 let Pobedy, 10, sq. 93
TIN: 142578922339
SNILS: 06836942406
Card number: 4276521346989118 (Sberbank)
Document number (passport): 6006 825092, issued on 10/22/2006 VERIFIED by OM-2 Department of Internal Affairs of Volgodonsk, Rostov region

FULL name: Kirill O. Botin 
Birthday: 07/16/2010
School: MBOU Secondary School "Center of Education" Volgodonsk
Class: 5
The work was done by the people below:
Vadim Veliar / Hospitale - https://t.me/tenaciousgod
Krypton / Patcher - https://t.me/patchex
Ozekal - https://t.me/noolse
Kraken - https://t.me/ImmortalityKraken