_______         '   _    \                                                     _______       
\  ___ `'.    /   /` '.   \                                       __.....__    \  ___ `'.    
 ' |--.\  \  .   |     \  '                                   .-''         '.   ' |--.\  \   
 | |    \  ' |   '      |  '                                 /     .-''"'-.  `. | |    \  '  
 | |     |  '\    \     / /____     _____     ____     _____/     /________\   \| |     |  ' 
 | |     |  | `.   ` ..' /`.   \  .'    /    `.   \  .'    /|                  || |     |  | 
 | |     ' .'    '-...-'`   `.  `'    .'       `.  `'    .' \    .-------------'| |     ' .' 
 | |___.' /'                  '.    .'           '.    .'    \    '-.____...---.| |___.' /'  
/_______.'/                   .'     `.          .'     `.    `.             .'/_______.'/   
\_______|/                  .'  .'`.   `.      .'  .'`.   `.    `''-...... -'  \_______|/    
                          .'   /    `.   `.  .'   /    `.   `.                               
                         '----'       '----''----'       '----'                              
Her fake name : lia 
real name : alyssa Davis  
age : 17
reason: being a fucking hoe on discord 
mom's name : N/A
Dad's name : Ali Davis
Possible Relatives : 
Jack Davis , Hannah Davis , Ramy Davis 
Location : Canada Toronto
Address : 17 Whitaker Ave Toronto M6J 1A2 (hit her addy up mane)
get fucked kid remember to not be a hoe on discord or i'm finna leak more shit bitch ass nigga 
and uno who this is, get fucked