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Pedophile sympathizer, drama starter, and falsifying information for multiple people. The biggest fucking pick-me known to man and like to cheat on her boyfriend(s). 

More information:    
    Pedophile sympathizer: protecting and defending 2 pedophiles
    Drama Starting: has to stick her nose where it doesn't belong and take conversations out of context to get what she want. 
    Falsifying Information: love spreading lies about people that have helped her in the past. Said that multiple people swatted her, later was proven false to her and she insisted that they did it.


Personal Information:

Name(s)...........Alexus Marie Abel/Alexus Marie Elliot 
Birthday..........October 2000
Address...........4924 39th Ave S Fargo, ND 58104-4484
Phone Number......(701) 371-6995
                  Verizon Wireless
Possible Email....lexi.elliott21@icloud.com
Family............Tristan L Elliot
                  Aubrie Abel
                  Laura Elliot

Half the discord token......Njk2NTI3NzE2NDg4NTc3MDc1


Other Information:

Username: ShameOnLexxx
Owned Clubs: Venom + Devotion
Helped with: Monarch Mommies and Peitho
TikTok: shameonlexxx.vr
Instagram: shame.vr
