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ok so before u hate me this bitch is a HUGE ass karen level 10 karen LMAOAOOO

Name: Danielle Angone
Location: somewhere in queens NY LOL
Age: 45
CC number: that shits only for me lmaooo
Job: Aide at William L. Buck elementary school.
court records: suing the school she works at because she was caught drinking in the fucking bathroom and suing Northwell Health for some unknown ass reason 
spouse: pasquale (hes cool as fuck so ion wanna leak anymore abt him)
3 children
pregnant at 16
Email: Mamasboyz444@gmail.com
face: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AD_cMMSbLrNQv_GEEow3IiTHDGoouSFyrW0NmoQJAQYnHIw
reviews on certain places: https://i.gyazo.com/b028a0d60825fe6cb374169323b1ba69.png
Instagram: Dezzire444
will add more soon