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║ DOX BY Slol                                              ║
║ my final action, doxing and token logging lempity        ║  
║ even though i got logged this is still a amazing         ║
║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     #1 Reason...........................................║
║ →     #2 Personal Information.............................║
║ →     #3 Mother...........................................║
║ →     #4 Father...........................................║
║ →     #5 Location Information.............................║
║ →     #6 Social Media Platforms...........................║
║ →     #7 Ingame Alias.....................................║ 
║ →     #9 Credits..........................................║

#1 Reasoning
because u post gifs all day and u should die

#2 Personal Info
Name: Noah Rosales
Address: #5
Phone Number: N/A
Face Leak: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/843717386125574167/843717395264438302/image2_2.png
Email(s): noahrosales12@gmail.com
Age: 15
#3 Mother
Name: Danielle Rosales
Address: #5
Email(s): daniellerosales16@gmail.com
Phone Number:  (608) 836-0573, (608) 298-7153, (608) 255-8127
Date Of Birth:  6/16/1979
Age: 41
#4 Father
Name: Raymundo Rosales
Address: #5
Phone Number: 
(Confirmed Phone Numbers)
(They Belong To Danielle, Raymundo, And Noah)
(608) 217-9244

(920) 960-5325

(608) 358-8682

(608) 792-2873
Date Of Birth: 1/7/1977
Age: 44
#5 Location Info
Address: 315 Palomino Ln Apt 1
City: Madison, WI
ZipCode: 53705
Rooms: 5 bed 3 bath
Year Built: 1957
Lot: 3,522 sqft
#6 Social Media
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/noah__nation/
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Deltabacon
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxIKM4_fFe-zcmUeP0oxsHg
Mom's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/danielle.r.rosales

#7 In-game Alias'
Minecraft: Lempity, crystalpvpcc, Conning, PackWatcher, OppPacker, ANARCHYHVHLEGEND, iireject, iiPiggyBank
Steam: Delta_Bacon,
Discord: Lempity#1337

#8 Credits
Terik (format)