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Title:racist fake doxer millie leak nsfw

Created:Sep 17th, 2023

Created by:Anonymous



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phone number: +1 2064030592
name: millie 

mom or relative :Laura Durkee
age 33 


possible relatives:
sandy degraaff
shannon durkee
debroah pontis
kyle pontis 
nicholas pontis
lauren marie pontis 

firestone, co
longmont, co 
everett, wa 
colorado springs, co 
seattle, wa
westminster, co 
boulder, co

address 302 Eastern Pkwy Apt 4b, Sequim, WA, 98382

cousin number:+1 3608095674 

millie discord 

face rev 
( none for now maybe soon )

nsfw video / pics



they are weird little discord ekittens who beg for money and use you 
they also tryed ddosing and hacking innocent children 
they also tried beaming  me and other people 
dont trust them but do wtv to they number 
she also very racist and a "white latina" but dont speak spanish but she also use the n word alot 

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                                     __/ |                                     

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