|Dox by NotVoid#0002 Soph#6666| Basic Info
• Names •
IRL name ~Eva Perez
Sisters name ~ Isabella Perez
Moms name ~ Joyce Perez
Dads name ~ Unknown
 •Address •
City ~ San Juan
Country ~ Franklin
Location ~ Puerto Rico
ISP ~ T-mobile USA, Inc
TimeZone ~ American_Las Angeles
Lat ~ 46,2305
Long ~ -119,092
Actual address ~ Cll Parque Central, Carolina, 00983, Puerto Rico
• Social •
Mom's Instagram: blanca_mujer
Sisters Instagram: bella_black04
Snap ~ lazy_eva01
Discord ~ cute_nightmare≺3#6627
• Reason For Dox •
Cheating whore and talking sexually to older people, she was also flirting w my ex while we was dating,
and got w him 10 seconds later after he broke up w me, then cheated on him
straight away w someone else



Picture of their house:



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