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                                                          |                         IGN: lafro                       |
                                                          |                    First name: Vladislav                 |
                                                          |                 Middle name: Vladislavovich              |
                                                          |                      Surname: Manukhov                   |
                                                          |              Date of birth: 8th January 2006             |
                                                          |                   Playing HvH since: 2020                |
                                                          |                    School: 61 [studying]                 |
                                                          |                       School's site:                     |
                                                          |                 http://www.s_61.edu54.ru                 |
                                                          |                      City: Novosibirsk                   |
                                                          |                             VK:                          |
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id513767552               |                              
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id366447006               |                             
                                                          |                            OK:                           |                                  
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/578379484104           |     
                                                          |                           Face:                          |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16e12eb                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16e1g2l                |
                                                          |                   https://prnt.sc/16f6dv9                |
                                                          |                            YT:                           |
                                                          | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCra5R0HgEtmAuF1SEBaRLXg |
                                                          | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD_V-7p44Pa_IJOnX4CQWgw |
                                                          | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDn8ZABymjoVcSx_wfGXg4w |
                                                          |                           Father:                        |
                                                          |                   First name: Vladislav                  |
                                                          |                      Surname: Manukhov                   |
                                                          |              Date of birth: 20th December 1968           |
                                                          |                   School: 117 [graduated]                |
                                                          |                       School's site:                     |
                                                          |                  http://www.s_117.edu54.ru               |
                                                          |                      City: Novosibirsk                   |
                                                          |                             VK:                          |
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id225871116               |                              
                                                          |                 https://vk.com/id266140711               |                             
                                                          |                             OK:                          |                                  
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/354969224918           |     
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/576969088159           |     
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/593164552984           |     
                                                          |                           Mother:                        |
                                                          |                      First name: Anna                    |
                                                          |                      Surname: Simakova                   |
                                                          |                   Date of birth: 8th March               |
                                                          |                      City: Novosibirsk                   |
                                                          |                             OK:                          |                                     
                                                          |             https://ok.ru/profile/374289270296           |     
                                                          |                 Reason of deanonimisation:               |
                                                          |                        Ugly retard                       |