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║Table Of Contents                                          ║
║ →     0x01 Why we did this................................║
║ →     0x02 Evidence.......................................║
║ →     0x03 Basic Information..............................║
║ →     0x04 Social.........................................║
║ →     0x05 IP Information.................................║
║ →     0x06 Family & Friends...............................║
║ →     0x07 Credits........................................║
-+-                 0x01 Why we did this                -+-
The reason we decided to to do this is, because he faked his
own death and started sending death threats to people. He 
also faked animal abuse to be cool and edgy when in reality
he is a loser with no friends. He also Ddosing random websites
for "fun" as he calls it. Along with that he has faked coding
a discord bot, and kept changing his story, until finally he
admitted none of the code was his and he stole it. Also he 
has attempted to try and dox me a few other people, for no
reason other than personal beef. He is also a racist loser 
with no friends. He also was saying some questionable things
to someone who he thought was a 14 year old girl. such as
telling them about his 22gb folder on hentai and that he
enjoys watching BDSM.
-+-                     0x02 Evidence                  -+-
Proof of the Number being real: https://imgur.com/6RSE9Mi
Proof of that he "commited suicide (he didnt't)": https://imgur.com/0WXDjTk https://imgur.com/l6DGeKs
Him complaing about his shitty life: https://imgur.com/p3aXgf0
Proof of him admitting to faking his death: https://imgur.com/Vlkw4gX
Just some random ss of him being a pussy: https://imgur.com/q6GeLKj
Proof of him trying to dox other people: https://imgur.com/Dvfd9Dr
Proof of him talking about porn with a 14 year old girl: https://imgur.com/veDdyVp
Disabling all of his accounts: https://imgur.com/xF0fzjh
Proof of him faking animal abuse: https://anonymousfiles.io/evbAivUC/
Proof of him ddosing random websites: https://imgur.com/3DtLa1l https://imgur.com/qzm6tmb
-+-             0x03 Personal Information               -+-

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 `8bd8'    .88.   Y8b  d8    88      .88.   88  88  88
   YP    Y888888P  `Y88P'    YP    Y888888P YP  YP  YP
Alias: l0rd.3dg3 , R3AP3R
Full Name: Moses Perez Calito
Age: 18
DOB: 1/4/2003
Phone Number: 818-795-1469
Email: mosescalito69@gmail.com
Country: United States Of America
Address:1002 Morada Pl Altadena, CA 91001
School: Unkown
Gender: Male
Race: Mexican
Height: 6'1
Weight: Around 225 lbs (estimate)
Timezone: PST
Occupation: Helps his dad with his mechanic shop.
Irl Picture: https://imgur.com/5tzGkVr
Language: English
Religion: Athiest 
Pet(s): 1 dog
-+-                    0x04 Social Media               -+-
Discord: R3AP3R#6666 (755902178530689084)
Twitter: DELETED
Instagram: @L0RD.3DG3 (May have been deleted)
-+-                   0x05 IP Information              -+-
Current IP Address:
Past IPS:
IP Type: Dynamic
ISP: T-Mobile (LMAO)
AC Number:714
IP Speed: 30 MBps Download 6 MBps Upload
-+-                 0x06 Family & Friends               -+-
  Dad's Name: Javier Perez Calito
  Dad's Work: LA&J Auto Repair
  Dad's Work#: +1 (323) 875-6985 
  Dad's Address: 1002 Morada Pl Altadena, CA 91001
  Dad's past Addresses: 
  727 E Chevy Chase Dr Glendale, CA 91205
  27224 Walnut Springs Ave Canyon Country, CA 3314
  2318 Grandeur Ave Altadena, CA 91001
  13275 Mercer St Pacoima, CA 91331
  1968 Winmar Dr Los Angeles, CA 90065
  220 S Jackson St Apt 302 Glendale, CA 91205
  6729 Cleon Ave North Hollywood, CA 91606

  Mom's Number: (323) 201-1612
  Mon's work: sucking dick
  Mom's Current Address: 6729 Cleon Ave Apt 16 North Hollywood, CA 91606
  Mom's Past Addresses:
  5610 W Avenue L4 Lancaster, CA 93536
  3010 Cazador St Los Angeles, CA 90065
  9844 Bedford Dr Huntley, IL 2302
  1016 Como Cir Hampshire, IL 5605
  505 Prairieview Pkwy Hampshire, IL 9654
  3326 1/2 Gassen Pl Los Angeles, CA 90065
  5610 W Avenue L1 Lancaster, CA 93536
  3326 Gassen Pl Los Angeles, CA 90065
  11451 Blythe St North Hollywood, CA 91605

  literally none lmao, loser.

-+-                    0x07 Credits                     -+-