 ┃ >  ...                                        ~:bash - JewConsole (V.66.6)                                                 -  ❏  x ┃

@goliath:~$ cat rocket.txt                                                    \+                         +/                                 ^!^
                                                                               |                         |          ^!^      
                         _                                                     x                         x                 
                      __) \__                                                  |                         |                 
                      \/_  , \                               ._                x                         x                 ^!^
                       \    )|                              / c                |                         |                 
                   \  _|_ _/\_\                          __/ _|___             x                         x                 
                  _)\/    _\                            | ' / _.-/             |                         |        ^!^                ^!^
                   |/   _|_/\                       ___/_   _/                 x                         x                 
                    |    \   )                     / ,    _/                   |                         |                 
                     \   |  /                    _/ (    |                     x                         x                 
                      \  ' /                  _./__,|   /                      |                         |                ^!^
                      /  ) )                 (),/   |  /                       x                         x                 
                     /  / ,                  | /    ) /                        |                         |                          ^!^
                     | /\ |                  \|    / )                        / \                       / \                
                     |/  \|                       |  /                    ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓            
                     /    |           //,,        | /                     ┃                                   ┃        ^!^                      ^!^   
           //,,     /(    )\         ,7 _/        /(                      x   Circle I    -   Introduction    x            
          ,7 _/    /,/   '-.\_       >_/(,       /_.-                     ┃                                   ┃            ^!^
          >_/(,  .--------"-----.  __  \ \  .--------'-----.              x   Circle II   -   HOA             x                           ^!^
        __  \ \  |________|_____|-\/\\/ ,'\ |________|_____|              ┃                                   ┃            
      -\/\\/ ,'\  _|______\____\    |'_/// \ _|______\____\               x   Circle III  -   Personal Info   x                  ^!^
         |'_/// \/________\____\         \, /________\____\               ┃                                   ┃            
              \, |  ____  |    |_________/__|________|____|               x   Circle IV   -   Emails          x            
              /  | |___ | |    |__________________|  |    |               ┃                                   ┃                                ^!^
             / _/|/____/| |    |__________________\  |    |               x   Circle V    -   Socials         x           ^!^ 
            (_(  |)_____) |    |__________________(  -    |               ┃                                   ┃            
              \\ |        |    |          )\|        |    |               x   Circle VI   -   IP              x            
               )\|        |    |         /_||        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                        ^!^
              /_||        -    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VII  -   ??              x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃            ^!^                 
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               x   Circle VIII -   Father          x            
                 |        |    |            |        |    |               ┃                                   ┃                          ^!^
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IX   -   Mother          x            
                 |        |    |            |        |                    ┃                                   ┃ 
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IIX   -  Misc            x 
                 |        |    |            |        |                    ┃                                   ┃ 
                 |        |    |            |        |                    x   Circle IIIX  -  Credits         x 
                 |        |    |                                          ┃                                   ┃           
                 |        |                                               ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛        
┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle I - Introduction  ┃

Welcome to the paste of Kylie McNeal AKA ttatz. The reason is for this paste is because I am being paid to make it. Low effort dox.

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle II - HOA  ┃

                                                                 x- Hall of Autism -x
  ➤ Her ass pics/SFW pictures: https://t.me/kyliemcneal

  ➤ Snap map SS basically confirming her address  https://files.catbox.moe/mvkjh8.jpg
  ➤ her eboy messaging fantasies to her? https://files.catbox.moe/axd482.png

  ➤ her dms between her eboy https://files.catbox.moe/3l4v9s.mp4


                                                             -= Her face pictures =-  

  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/ryxmjn.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/p7duxa.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/ndz50v.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/gtzg4v.png
┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle III - Personal Info ┃

  ➤ Aliases            : ttatz / potatzie / kylie

  ➤ Legal Name         : Kylie Mcneal                                                      _._._._       _._._._       _._._._
                                                                                            | ___ |_._._._| ___ |_._._._| ___ |
  ➤ Age                : 18                                                                | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |      Welcome To:
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|    Kylie 'Partments
  ➤ DOB                : ??                                                                 | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ |      Home of Sluts
                                                                                            | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| |
  ➤ Current Address    : 10007 Westside Cir Littleton, CO 80125                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|
                                                                                            | ___ |__III__| ___ |__III__| ___ | _)o(_
  ➤ Race               : White                                                             | |_| |  ___  | |_| |  ___  | |_| | /(|)\
                                                                                            |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|  |_|  |_III_|   H
  ➤ Gender             : Female                                                             | ___ |__III__|_____|__III__| ___ |   H
                                                                                            | |_| |"""""""||~|~||"""""""| |_| |   H
  ➤ Occupation         : Jobless                                                           |_III_|@@@@@@@||_|_||@@@@@@@|_III_|^~^H '
                                                                                      @@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @/=====\@     @@@@@@@@@@@@@@
  ➤ IRLs               :  ➤ https://files.catbox.moe/ryxmjn.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/p7duxa.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/ndz50v.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/gtzg4v.png

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%┃ Circle V - Socials ┃

  ➤ Discord                                                                                       
    └─│ttatz                                                                              /)_(\                            /)_(\ 
                                                                                   ______( X X )______              ______( X X )______
                                                                                  /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\            /_/_/_/\` ' `/\_\_\_\
  ➤ Instagram                                                                            )'_'(                            )'_'(
    └─│crustydroiduser                                                              ____.""_"".____                  ____.""_"".____
                                                                                    |___|___|___|___|                |___|___|___|___|
                                                                                      |___|___|___|                    |___|___|___| 
  ➤ snapchat                                                                            |-      |                        |-      |
    └─│kylie.mcneal                                                                      |       |                        |       |
                                                                                       _|_______|_                      _|_______|_

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VII - The discord she lurks in    ┃

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle VIII- Father┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Michael McNeal                                       
  ➤ Age                : 62                                                  
  ➤ DOB                : June 1962
  ➤ Current Address    : 10007 Westside Cir Littleton, CO 80125
  ➤ Race               : White
  ➤ Gender             : Male                                                                    
  ➤ Phone Number       : (303) 271-4139
                           |Country  :  USA                                                          
                           |Carrier  :  Neutral Tandem
                           |Type     :  n       

  ➤ Emails              : shaydmac22@gmail.com

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IX - Mother  ┃

  ➤ Legal Name         : Marne Christina McNeal                                      
  ➤ Age                : 54                                                   
  ➤ DOB                : April 1970
  ➤ Current Address    : 10007 Westside Cir Littleton, CO 80125
  ➤ Race               : White
  ➤ Gender             : Female                                                                   
  ➤ Phone Number       : (720) 981-3171
                           |Country  :  USA                                                          
                           |Carrier  :  Qwest
                           |Type     :  N/A
                         : (303) 248-3153
                           |Country  :  USA                                                        
                           |Carrier  :  Verizon
                           |Type     :  N/A

  ➤ Emails              : mrsquishy777@gmail.com

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IIX - Misc   ┃
    ➤ Her ass pics/SFW pictures: https://t.me/kyliemcneal
        ➤ Family Dump

            Michael McNeal

            Frankie Olson

            Fred McNeal

            Janet Maxwell

            Laura Leven

            Sarah McNeal

            Shayla McNeal

            Mark McNeal

            James Henson

┃ DBWY ┃%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%┃ Circle IIIX -Credits┃

                                                                                                  [ Credits ]
                             __o__                                                   ┏x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┓
                            /\ | /\  ,__,             \                                                                                       ^!^
                           /__\|/__\o/o /             /                 ,             Majority of Paste - goliath
           __(\          ,   , |    `7 /              \_               /)             >> @goliath, discord: @goligoliath       ^!^
       _.-'   \\        _)\_/) |    __||___,     <----)_)---<<        //              
    ,-'  _.---'\\      (/ (6\> |___// /_ /_\ ,_,_,   / )\            //               Special Thanks : eject                                 ^!^
  ,'_.--'       \\    /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/\ | =/= /  / /  \_         //                
                 \\  / ,_//\  \>' , / ,/ / ) `0 /  / /,__, \       //                x-----------------------------------x          ^!^
                  \\ \_('o  | )> _)\_/) |\/  __\\_/ /o/o /-       //                  zSai - Moral Support
              ,   ,\\  `7 / /   (/ (0\>  , _/,/ /_'/ \j /      o<\>>o                 znuy - leaks
             _)\_/) \\,__\\_\' /`  _ /\>_)\_/)|_|_/ __//___,____/_\                   find her in https://discord.gg/playing
            (/ (9\>  \\_) | / / ,_//\  (/ (6\> )_/_// /_ /__\_/_/                    ┗x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x━x┛                  ^!^
           /`  _ /\> /\\\/_/ '\_('  | /`  _ /\>/._\/\/__/                            -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          / ,_//\  \>' \_)/  \_|  _/// ,_//\  \>    _)_/                               -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
          \_('  |  )>  x / _/ / _/  \\_('\||  )>   x)_::\       ______,                  -x x x x x x x x x x x x x x-
                /  \>_//( (  / /--.,/     +/  \>__//  o /----.,/(  )\\))                   -x x x x x x x x x x x x-             ^!^
                \'  \| ) \| / /    / '     \'  \|  )___/ \     \/  \\\\\            ^!^      -x x x x x x x x x x-
                /    +-/</\/ /    /  \_|   /    +-/o/----+      |                              -x x x x x x x x-         ^!^                 ^!^
               / '     \ _/,/  _ / _/ / _// '     \_\,  ___     /                                -x x x x x x-
              /  \_|  _// ( __,/( (  / / /  \_|  _/\_|-" /,    /              ^!^                  -x x x x-
             / _/ / _/  ^-' |  | \| / / / _/ / _/   )\|  |   _/                                      -x x-         ^!^           ^!^
            ( (  / /    /_/  \_ \_\/ / ( (  / /    /_/ \_ \_(__     ^!^                                x
             \| / /           / /_/,/   \| / /           / /  /
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             _/,/          _/_/,^-'     _/,/          _/_/,/
            / (           /_/ (        / (           /_/ (                                           ^!^
            ^-'             ^-'        ^-'             ^-'