2 sisters one brother

his brother kody harker went to summit lakes middle school and then lees summit west high school. he took spanish in middle school, so someone tell him i said hola

his sisters are actually pretty hot tbh and kinleys pretty good at art

his # 816-209-9525

Mom: Stacey Lynn Harker

Stacey Harker is 42 years old and was born on 03/03/1978. 
Stacey Harker lives in Greenwood, MO; previous cities include Harrisonville MO and Lees Summit MO. 
In the past, Stacey has also been known as Stacey L Harker, Stacy L Harker, Stacey Coxe and Stacey Lynn Harker. 
We know that Stacey's political affiliation is unknown; ethnicity is Caucasian; and religious views are listed as Christian. S
tacey's relationship status is married. Stacey maintains relationships with many people -- family, friends, associates, & neighbors -- 
including Kody Harker, Thomas Coxe, Holly Coxe, Ronald Harker and Ronald Pratt. Stacey has a reported annual income of $40 - 49,999 and a current net worth value of greater than $100,000 - 

has tattoos

likes barbecue Likes oprah winfrey, americas funniest home videos, game of thrones, taylor swift, queen, tate stevens, kid rock, and wrestling,
Greenwood, Clay, Missouri, United States from 6 Feb 2002 to 5 Dec 2008

Dad: Ronald Robert Harker (Harker Erickson)

Ronald Harker is 50 years old because Ronald's birthday is on 10/26/1969. 
Before moving to Ronald's current city of Greenwood, MO, Ronald lived in Harrisonville MO and Lees Summit MO. 
Other names that Ronald uses includes Ronald Robert Harker, Ronald R Harker and Ron Harker. 
We have lots of information about Ronald: religious views are listed as Christian, ethnicity is Caucasian, and political affiliation is unknown. 
As of this date, Ronald is married. Other family members and associates include Stacey Harker, Kody Harker, Ronald Pratt, Denise Jones and Cara Pudenz. 
Ronald's reported annual income is about $40 - 49,999; with a net worth that tops $100,000 - $249,999.

Works at Patriot Metal Works LLC
Went to Ruskin High School

Greenwood, Missouri 64034

Second Previous Residence Place:	
Kansas City, Missouri 64134
Third Previous Residence Place:	
Kansas City, Missouri 64134
2nd Address Date:	
01 Jun 1995-18 Jul 2001
3rd Address Date:	
01 Jun 1990-01 Jun 2001

Ronald Pratt:

Ronald Pratt is 24 years old and was born on 07/29/1995. 
Previous to Ronald's current city of Greenwood, MO, Ronald Pratt lived in Lees Summit MO. 
Other names that Ronald uses includes Ronald J Pratt. 
Denise Jones, Ronald Harker, Cara Pudenz, Donald Tattershall and Meredith Blair, and many others are family members and associates of Ronald.