       .__                              .__         .__     
  ____ |__| ____   ____   ____   ____   |  |_____  _|  |__  
 /    \|  |/ ___\ /    \ /  _ \ / ___\  |  |  \  \/ /  |  \ 
|   |  \  / /_/  >   |  (  <_> ) /_/  > |   Y  \   /|   Y  \
|___|  /__\___  /|___|  /\____/\___  /  |___|  /\_/ |___|  /
     \/  /_____/      \/      /_____/        \/          \/ 
                        Reason for Dox
He banned me from vader.tech and called me a chomo over discord
voice chat and I cannot be associated with that.
                      Personal Information
Koda Himself:
Name: Dale Larry ( Named after his Great Great Grandfather 
shown below ) Adams Jr. ( He prefers daniel because he's a dumb
white )
Age: 28
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Name: Dale Michael Adams II
Age: 54
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Name: Henrietta Adams
Maiden Name: Smith
Age: 50
Social Security: <REDACTED>
Idk how these two are still together

Address: ( LOL This almost 30 y/o retard still lives at home! )
8617 Arlington Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92627
                 Grandparents (All passed away)
Name: Dale Michael ( Named after his grandpa; I guess they 
didn't like the name enough to go by it always LOL ) Adams Sr.
Age: Passed Away at 78 ( LOL died before his great great 
grandpa???? )
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Name: Ruth Adams
Maiden Name: Pingleton
Age: Passed Away at 60 ( Died in the war )
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Great Grandmother:
Name: Burtha Adams
Maiden Name: James
Age: Passed Away at 80
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Great Grandfather:
Name: Michael Adams
Age: Passed Away at 50 ( Cancer; Dale was barely born too )
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Great Great Grandmother:
Name: Christy Adams
Maiden Name: Johnson
Age: Passed Away at 78
Social Security: <REDACTED>

Great Great Grandfather:
Name: Larry Michael Adams
Age: Passed Away at 84
Social Security: <REDACTED>